
发布 2020-03-07 10:08:28 阅读 6425


1. k d f i h

h k d f i

2. e j l g m

j l e m g



giraffe is___高).the monkey is___矮).

elephant has a __长)nose.

man has a大) head.

班级。boy has a小)head.

at the cat, it’s so___胖).look at the dog, it’s so___瘦).


) 1. c. cat

) 3. a .sister b. girl

) 4. a. ok b. usa

) 5. b. big

五、单项选择。 (10分 )

) 1、who’sthatshe’smymother.

a: man b: woman

) 2、 who’sthat man?

a: heismyfather. b:sheismysister.

) 3、 is she your sister?

a:yes, she is. b:no, he isn’t.

) 4、nicetomeetyou.

a: niceto meet you , too. b:hello

)5、what’s your name?

a: i’m amy. b:she’s chenjie .

)6、 where are you from?

a: i’mmike b:i’mfromthe uk.



a. my name is wu yifan. b. this is wu yifan.

( )2.当你想知道对方的姓名时,说。

a. good afternoon. b. what’s your name?


a. good morning. b. good afternoon.


a、who’sthat woman ? b、、who’sthat man ?


a、 it has a long nose. b、it has a long tail.


a、welcome. b、goodbye.


is my mother.

2. look at the cat.

3. it has a long tail.

are you from?

that woman?


tall yes short big fat

small long no thin short

九。 读一读,连一连。(10)

1. is he your isn′t

2. what′s your my mother

3. where are you name is mike.

4. who′s that am from china


(猫 ) 包) _t (胖的) (红色) 钢笔)


象湖镇2015年春数学三年级数学期中练习题。一 填空题。共20分,每题2分,其中第六题每空1分。1 地图通常是按照上 下 左 右 的方向绘制的。24的积未尾有 个0。3 一箱啤酒有120瓶,30箱啤酒有 瓶。4 两位数乘两位数,积可能是 位数,也可能是 位数。6的商是 位数 要使 28 4的商是两位...


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