
发布 2020-03-05 23:16:28 阅读 9570

dear boys and girls, 这学期,你一定学了不少知识。拿起你的笔来展示自我吧!老师相信只要认真、细心,你一定会取得好成绩。


)1、a. tapeb. capc. stapler

)2、a. 991b. 919c. 191

)3、a. onb. inc. is

)4、a. heb. shec. her

)5、a. what’sb. that’sc. she’s



)1su hai . where’s he?

a. excuse meb. i can’t find dad

)2.--i’m thirstywhat about

a. some juiceb. a soft drink

)3.--can i help you? -i’d like acap.

a. redb. white

)4. -let’s go and now. -great! let’s go!

a. play footballb. play the guitar

)5.—do you likeno. i don’t.

a. joggingb. running




)1. a. ok. let’s gob. no, i don’t.

)2. a. he’s in the studyb. it’s in the fridge

)3. a. no, i’d like a hot dogb. no, i can’t.

)4. a. ten yuan, pleaseb. it’s nice!

)5. a. i like skiingb. good idea!



1.( a. bedroom b. storybook c. bathroom

2.( a. climbing b. skiingc. fish

3.( a. violinb. shoesc. basketball

4.( a. socksb. shoesc. son

5.( a. chocolate b. soft drink c. rice


)1six yuan.

a. what’s thisb. how many apples? c. how much is it

)2. -do you play the guitar? -yes, i

a. amb. playc. do

)3i’d like some juice.

a. what would you likeb. what do you play

c. what do you like

)4.--let’s go and play basketball

a. no, thank youb. sure. here you are

c. great! let’s go.

)5.--can i help you

a. i’d like a capb. no, i can’tc. yes, i can.


play baseballgo fishing

sounds goodmy aunt

come herein english


ab )1. what about the black onea. i play the violin

)2. what would you likeb. a sandwich, please

)3. how much is itc. no, the white one

)4. what do you playd. here you are.

)5. a yellow vest, pleasee. it’s ten yuan.


1. what do you play?

2. great! let’s go.

3. do you play football?

4. i play basketball.

5. no, i don’t.

6. let’s go and play basketball now.


)1. nancy is nine.

)2. nancy is a chinese girl.

)3. nancy is from london

)4. she likes swimming and skating.

)5. she can play the piano and guitar.



1 我会认真默写26个大写英文字母。26分 2 我会找朋友 将对应的大写字母和小写字母连接起来。14分 1 a e b f c d m a e b f c d m 2 v w y u k s p v w y u k sp 3 我会将单词和对应的汉语意思连接起来。28分 1 ruler书 2 red红...


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