
发布 2020-03-05 22:53:28 阅读 8426

小学英语三年级(下)unit 2测试题。

听力部分。一、 将你所听到的字母写在括号内。(10分)

)1 . d, b2. b, d3. f, f

) 4. g, h5. f, e

二、 听录音,补全单词。(5分)

1. m___ther 2. s___ster 3. w__man

4. br__ther 5. f_ ther


1. mike

2. li pinga. china

3. amyb. canada

4. zoomc. america

5. bai ling


)1. a. she b. hec. we

)2. a. grandma b. grandmother c. grandpa

)3. a. man b. momc. mother

)4. a. that b. thisc. teacher

)5. a. great b. goose c. really

笔试部分。一、 写出所给字母的对应大小写。(10分)

a c b e i d f g h j

二、 找出不同类的单词(10分)

)1. a. mother b. father c. man d. mom

)2. a. girl b. boy c. teacher d. woman

)3. a. pen b. pencil c. ruler d. student

)4. a. hot dog b. grandma c. cake d. hamburger

)5. a. five b. fish c. three d. ten

三、 单项选择题。(10分)

)1. who __that woman? a. am b. are c. is

)2.__is my sister. a. i b. she c. he

)3. let’s __tv. a. see b. look c. watch

)4. is he youra. grandma b. sister c. father

)5. where are youa. from b. come c. in


)1. 当你想问同学远处那个女人是谁时,你可以问:

a. who’s that woman? b. who’s this woman?

c. who’s that man?

)2. 你想问你同学:她是你的姐妹吗?你应说:

a. is he your brother? b. is she your sister?

c. are you a student?

)3. 如果你想把amy介绍给你的好朋友,你可以说:

a. she is amy. b. i am amy. c. this is amy.

)4. 你想夸赞某人长的漂亮,你应说:

a. how beautiful! b. what beautiful! c. great!

)5. 开学初你又见到了好朋友,你应说:

a. nice to see you, again. b. what is your name?

c. how old are you?


1.who’s this mana. thank you.

2. is she your sisterb. yes, she is.

3. let’s watch tvc. he’s my father.

4. she’s beautifuld. great.

5. nice to meet youe. nice to meet you, too.


really and how grandmother dad


brother mother father grandpa sister


) she’s my mother.

) he’s my father.

) who’s that woman?

) hi, mom! this is my friend, amy.

) who’s that man?



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