8年级u1笔记 1

发布 2020-03-01 18:34:28 阅读 1720

unit 1

1. write (a letter) to sb. 给某人写封信 write to me=write a letter to me

receive / get a letter from sb. =hear from sb. 收到某人的来信。

here’s a letter for a (from b). 这里有封给a的信,是由b记过来的。

write back to sb. =write to sb. in reply给某人回信。

i h**e a letter to answer.我有封信要回。answer a letter 回信。

deliver letters 送信件。

2. in the top-right corner在右上角 in the corner “在角落” 一般指在屋子里,或是某个建筑物的角落。

on the corner“在(某个平面的)角落” on the corner of the table

at the corner“在(外环境下的)角落” at the corner of the street

3. at the end of 在……的末尾 at the beginning(of) 在……的开始。

in the end = finally = at last 最后。

by the end of… 直到。。。最后。

4. 英文书信中的“写信人地址、邮编和写信日期”常写在右上角。

address: 从小地址到大地址换行书写,如:门牌号+街名;镇名;区名;城市名。。。国名

。。postcode / postal code / area code / zip

code (ame.):字母加数字,书写时紧接着城市名下书写。

writing date:常写在地址下,并空一行。

5. in a magazine/news*****/ book在杂志/报纸上/在书上(纸张类介词用in)

6. a boy called/named jon 过去分词作后置定语。

you can call me jon. call sb. …叫某人…(call + 双宾语) teach sb. sth. write sb. sth.

name sb. …给某人取名…(name + 双宾语)

a girl named may一名名叫may的女生 (named …过去分词短语作定语修饰女生)

a girl is called may.一位女生被取名为may。(这句话是被动语态)以上所有call = name;called = named

7. tell sb. about sth.

/tell sb. (not) to do sth./tell sb.

sth./tell a story/tell a lie

speak to=talk to, speak with=talk with, speak+语言 say+内容 talk about=discuss v. discussion n.

(say; speak; talk; tell

say 意为“说,述说”, 用系统的语言表达自己的想法(后面接的宾语是话语,不是人,即say sth.)例:he says, “it doesn’t matter.

” 他说:“没关系。”

speak 常作为不及物动词使用,不注重说的内容,表示“说话”、“发言”;此外也指讲外语的能力,打**时也用speak. 例:

he will speak at the meeting. 他将要在会议上发言。

please speak loudly! 请大声说!

he can speak a little english. 他会说一点英语。

hello, may i speak to xiao wang? 喂,我可以和小王通话吗?

talk 意为“说”,“讲”、“谈话”,与speak 意义很近,但不如speak正式。talk 更常指与人交谈,有较强的“对话讨论”的意思。talk 后跟of 或about表示“谈到、谈起”。

例:what are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么?

he often talks of you. 他经常谈到你。

tell 常用作及物动词,有“告诉”的意思,它既注重说话的内容(直接宾语),又有告诉的对象(间接宾语),因此,tell 后面常跟双宾语。另外,讲故事用“tell a story”,它还有“吩咐、命令”和“分辩、识别”的意思。例:

i’ll tell her the good news. 我要告诉她这个好消息。

my mother often tells me stories. 妈妈常给我讲故事。

i can’t tell the differences between the new words. 我辨别不出这两个新单词的区别。)

8. one and a half metres tall/thirteen years old →数字+名词+形容词。

one and a half metres tall = one metre and a half 1.5米 one and a half hours = one hour and a half一个半小时。

表示身高还可以使用 i’m about five feet tall.

foot a unit of measure(英尺)(pl.) feet

inch (pl.) inches 英寸)

9. 长短+曲直+颜色头发 i h**e short straight black hair.

hair 头发常用作不可数名词,如果讲几丝白发等可以加s: some white hairs)

10. my hobby is playing chess. my ambition is to be an architect. 动名词和动词不定式可作系动词(be)的表语。

play在指参加某项比赛或体育活动的时候,后面没有the. 例:

play cards 打牌 play hockey 打曲棍球 play basketball 打篮球。

play 在指演奏某种乐器的时候要有the. 例:

play the guitar 演奏吉他 play the piano 演奏钢琴。

play with fire/snow

chessman(chessmen); chessboard

chess n. 国际象棋 chessman 国际象棋棋子(单数) chessmen 国际象棋棋子(复数)

chinese chess 中国象棋 chessboard 棋盘。

architect; architecture

architect n. 建筑师

his father works as an architect in london. 他父亲在伦敦做建筑师工作。

architecture n. 建筑物;建筑学

he is studying architecture in tongji university. 他正在同济大学学习建筑学。)

11. own

v. =run ; h**e 拥有;开办own a chinese restaurant

adj. …of one’s own某人自己的…… i h**e a bedroom of my own .

n. …on one’s own靠某人自己 edwin won the game on his own

owner (n.) 主人。

i h**e my own book.

i h**e a book of my own.

this book is mine.

this is my book.

this book belongs to me.

i own a book.

12. work in a college/university在一所学院/大学工作 (work as作为…工作; work for为…工作)

at college/university在大学读书

he is at university in london.他在伦敦一所大学读书。

joe’s father works in a university. joe的父亲在一所大学工作。

at school(英)=in school(美)在学校(特指学生在校学习)

at the school=in the school在学校。


13. nearby = not far away

adv. 放在句末:在附近。


14. he is studying to be an accountant.

这里的不定式 to do …是表示“目的”的不定式,= in order to do …为了去做……

count (v.) 数(数)

15. come back home=return home

give back = return 归还。



牛津英语8A U1 U2短语

8a unit1短语默写。1和某人交朋友2.饿了 口渴了。3.一些吃的东西4.我能喝点什么。5.吃更多的食物6.牛奶怎么样。7.你碗里的比萨饼8.在冰箱里。9去钓鱼怎么样10 好朋友的品质。11.关心12.使我开心。13.使我笑14.保密。15.一个诚实男孩16.乐于做某事。17.与某人谈话18 告...


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