八年级英语上册U1 8翻译句子

发布 2022-12-14 22:58:28 阅读 4397

unit 1 could you please clean your room?

1别在外面待到很晚。 don’t stay out late.

2你能帮我叠衣服吗? 没问题。 could you help me fold the clothes? no problem.

3他妈妈得去遛狗。his mother has to take the dog for a walk.

4我割破了手指,我正在尽力不把它弄湿。i cut my finger and i’m trying not to get it wet.

5看完电影之后我可以和朋友去逛街吗?could i hang out with my friends after the movie?

6昨晚我读完了这本书。i finished reading the book last night.

7如果她看到这么乱,她会不高兴的。she won’t be happy if she sees this mess.

8tony的朋友们想要去兜风。tony’s friends want to get a ride.

9你锻炼的越多,你就越健康。the more you exercise, the healthier you will be.

10我们的国家越来越强大。our country is becoming stronger and stronger.

11我可以买一些饮料和小吃吗?could i buy some drinks and snacks?

12不要让我一直等你太久。don’t keep me waiting for you too long.

13孩子们不应该太依赖父母。kids shouldn’t depend on their parents too much.

14谢谢你邀请我去参加聚会。thanks for inviting me to your party.

15一些父母经常让孩子帮忙做家务。some parents often make their kids help to do housework.

16为了取得好成绩,学生们每天花费许多时间练习讲英语。in order to get good grades, the students spend a lot of time practicing speaking english.

17我不介意饭后洗盘子。i don’t mind doing the dishes after meals.

18tony昨晚花了半个小时整理床铺。tony spent half an hour ****** his bed last night.

19你能把衬衫递给我 could you pass the shirt to me?

20为了上个好大学,我不得不努力学英语。i h**e to study english hard in order to get into a good university.

unit 2 why don’t you talk to your parents?

我不想和我最好的朋友打仗。i don’t want to h**e a fight with my best friend.

为什么不允许青少年晚上逛街呢?why not allow the teenagers to hang out at night.

我发现我妹妹昨天翻看了我的东西。i found my sister looking through my things yesterday.

你能给我解释一下怎样做这道数学题吗?can you explain to me how to do this math problem?

kate 经常不吃早饭就上学。kate often goes to school without eating breakfast.

我害怕当众讲话。i am afraid of speaking in front of the people.

相反,他看他想看的任何节目直到深夜。instead , he watches whatever he wants until late at night.

我妹妹没有询问我就把衣服借走了。my sister borrows my clothes without asking me.

她把字典还给你了吗?did she give back the dictionary to you?

我不想让他吃惊。i don’t want to surprise him.

希望事情成功解决。hope things work out.

你最好的朋友不再信任你了。your best friend doesn’t trust you any more.

抄别人的作业是不对的。it’s wrong to copy others’ homework.

不要生你弟弟的气。don’t be angry with your brother.

他想到有趣的地方去旅游。he wants to tr**el somewhere interesting.

父母不要总是把自己的孩子与别人的孩子比较。parents don’t always compare their own kids with others’

跑步对我们的健康有好处。running is good for our health.

我们该做游戏了。it’s time for us to play games.

父母给了我许多学习方面的压力。my parents give me a lot of pressure about school.

尽管你可能生父母的气,但你应该跟他们谈一谈。although you may be angry with your parents, you should talk to them.

在学校他不得不和同学竞争。he has to compete with his classmates at school.


many parents send their kids to all kinds of classes after school.

到了我们做运动的时间了。it’s time for us to play sports.

昨晚7点男孩子们才停止踢足球。the boys didn’t stop playing football until 7:00 last night.

今天早晨我妹妹主动提出洗碗。this morning my sister offered to wash the dishes.

unit3 what were you doing when the rainstorm came?

由于下大雪,我不得不待在家里。i had to stay at home because of the he**y snow.

昨天虽然他生病了,但是他去上学了。although he was ill yesterday,he went to school.

今早他醒来的时候,妈妈在做饭。when he woke up this morning,his mother was cooking breakfast.

我妈妈也不知道这件事。my mother doesn’t know the thing, either.

对一个学生来说,认真写作业是重要的。it is important for a student to do homework carefully.

当老师进来的时候,学生们正在唱歌。when the teacher came in, the students were singing.

昨晚八点我父亲在看报。my father was reading news*****s at 8 o’clock last night.

当我看到他的时候,他在拍照。he was taking photos when i saw him.

当李明看见我的时候,我在等车。when li ming saw me i was waiting for the bus.

我想洗个热水澡。i want to h**e a hot shower.

今早我起的太晚了,错过了早班汽车。i got up too late to catch the early bus this morning.

我将尽力帮你学英语。i will try to help you study english.

虽然我跑着去车站,但是我仍然错过了汽车。i ran to the station, but i still missed the bus.

你记得去年见过我吗?do you remember meet me last year?

在一个寒冷的早晨发生了一起交通事故。a car accident happened on a cold morning.

我妈妈反对玩电脑游戏。my mother is against playing computer games.

别把雨伞忘在公共汽车上。don’t le**e your umbrella on the bus.

当我看到他的时候,他正在等着我帮助他。when i saw him, he was waiting for me to help him.

你还记得在那时你在干什么?do you remember what you were doing at that time?

你在开玩笑吗?are you kidding?

你在路边干什么?what were you doing by the side of the road?

我对历史上重要的事情感兴趣。i am interested in the important events in history.


unit 1 could you please clean your room?1别在外面待到很晚。don t stay out late.2你能帮我叠衣服吗?没问题。could you help me fold the clothes?no problem.3他妈妈得去遛狗。his mother ...

八年级英语上册U1 8翻译句子

unit 1 could you please clean your room?1别在外面待到很晚。don t stay out late.2你能帮我叠衣服吗?没问题。could you help me fold the clothes?no problem.3他妈妈得去遛狗。his mother ...

八年级英语上册U1 8翻译句子

unit 1 could you please clean your room?1别在外面待到很晚。don t stay out late.2你能帮我叠衣服吗?没问题。could you help me fold the clothes?no problem.3他妈妈得去遛狗。his mother ...