
发布 2021-05-12 23:16:28 阅读 2758

book 5---module 1

一。 单词表中的词组和句子:

1. 有一些相同的特点h**e something in common

2. 没有共同点h**e nothing in common

3. 有很多共同点h**e much in common

4. 有影响,使不相同make a difference

5. 很显然it is obvious that…

6. 四处走动get around

7. 插队jump the queue

8. 把a和b相比较compare a with b

9. 把a比作bcompare a to b

10. 各种各样的a variety of=all kinds of

11. 和…相似be similar to

12. 做某事有困难h**e difficulty (in) doing

13. 打开/关上switch on/off

14. 引起,导致lead to

15. 发表一个声明make an announcement

16. 把糖加到盐里add sugar to salt

17. 增加了我们的困难add to our difficulty

18. 加起所有的数字add up all the numbers

19. 加起来是100add up to 100

20. 同意,支持be in f**our of

21. 向某人陈述你的观点present your opinions to sb.

22. 称…为refer to…as…

23. 努力做某事make an attempt to do

24. 幸亏,多亏thanks to=due to

25. 因某事批评某人criticise sb. for sth.

26. 如果你努力工作,总有一天你将会有所不同。

if you work hard, you will make a difference someday.

27. 很显然我们的钱已经被花光了。

it is obvious that our money has been used up.

28. 她在解决这个问题上有困难。

she has difficulty in solving the problem.

29. 条条大路通罗马。

all roads lead to rome.

30. 他试图陈述他的观点,但是他失败了。

he made an attempt to present his opinions, but he failed.

31. 多亏了你们的帮助,这个小村庄呈现出(take on)一个与众不同的面貌。

thanks to your help, the small village takes on a distinctive look.

二。 课文和文化角中的词组和句子:

1. 在许多方面不同be different in many ways

2. 用…注满fill up with…

3. 在城里四处走动get around the town

4. 排队queue up=stand in line

5. 把…和…比较compare…with…

6. 把…比作compare…to…

7. 在…方面不同differ in…

8. 与…相似be similar to

9. 做著名的评论make the famous remark

10. 毕竟after all

11. 和…一样多as much as

12. 做…有困难h**e difficulty (in) doing

13. 导致lead to doing或lead to sth.

14. 也, 还, 且as well as

三。 语法&everyday english:

1. how are you getting on?=how are you?

2. i don’t get what people were saying.=i didn’t understand it.

3. get used to the accent=begin to understand the accent

4. so far=until now

5. that’s a good point.=i agree with you.

6. make a fuss of sb.=show a lot of interest in sb.

7. a cute accent=an attractive accent

8. a couple of=two or three

9. pick up the local accent=start to use it

10. the accent has worn off.=the accent has disappeared.


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