
发布 2021-05-12 23:21:28 阅读 1432

unit 1

vi./vt. 生存,存活;幸存,幸免于难。

the custom survived for thousands of years.

only 10 people survived the fire.

survival survivor n.

n./vt. 搜索,搜寻,搜查。

in search of 搜索,寻找。


h**e done 可能做过(表推测);本能够做(表虚拟)


v. 想要,想做。


do you fancy going out this evening?

n.in…style / in the style of 以……的风格。

return 作为回报。

in return for… 作为对…的回报。

i brought him a drink, in return for his help.

群,团。troops 几群;军队,士兵。

as 充当,用作。

the sofa can serve as a bed.

serve vt. 服务。

we should serve people heart and soul.

v. 考虑+doing;认为+…as/to be…

we are considering buying a book.

consider…to h**e done 认为…过去做过。

un.惊讶,惊奇 cn.奇迹,奇事,奇观 v.想知道。

it is)no wonder (that)… 难怪。

no wonder he isn’t hungry.

able to 成功地做…

everyone was able to escape from the fire.

n./v. 怀疑。

there is no doubt (that)… 是毫无疑问的。

i don’t doubt that she will tell us the truth.

i doubt whether/if we can get the first place in the competition.

v. 剩余,遗留;仍需+to do

link v. 仍然是,保持不变。

nothing remained after the fire.

lots of problems remained to be solved.

he remained silent.

peter became a businessman, but tom remained a fisherman.

adj. 值得的 +v-ing表被动。

the table is worth 10 yuan.

the book is worth reading.

be well worth…

v. 争论,辩论。

debate with … about…

n. 尝试。

at one’s first trail 在某人的第一次尝试上。

unit 2

v. 竞争,争夺。

several companies are competing against/with each other for the contract

competition n. 比赛,竞争 competitor n. 竞争者,对手。

v. 承认;接受…入学+as…

she admitted her guilt.

she admitted stealing the bicycle.

she admitted that she had stolen the bicycle.

the school admits 60 students every year.

she was admitted to/into hospital suffering from burns.

well 也;又,还。

he sent me a letter and some money as well.

is he coming as well?

as well as 除了=besides;和…一样;和。

they sell books, as well as news*****s.

john plays football, as well as peter.

the teacher as well as some students who like soccer doesn’t go to school today.

n. 责任。

take responsibility for… 对…负责。

v. 代替,取代。

i replaced the worn-out tire with new ones.

un. 责任,管理,掌管,主管。

in charge 负责 in charge of… 主管。

i’d like to speak to a person in charge.

he is in charge of the company.

it comes to… 当谈及…时。

up with 追上,赶上。

keep up with 齐头并进。

v. 讨价还价,讲价钱。

n. 便宜货,廉价货;协议,交易,成交条件。

if you bargain with them, they might reduce the price.

these shoes are really bargain at such a low price.

we h**e made a bargain that she will do the shopping and i’ll cook.

v. 应受,应得,值得。

you h**e been working all morning—you deserved a rest.

you deserved to win.

he deserved to be punished.

to one’s feet 站起来。

unit 3

1. in common 共同的,共用的,共有的。

john has nothing in common with me.

v. 计算,推算,估算。

the scientist couldn’t calculate when the spaceship would reach the moon.

n. 简单的计算,算术题;数量,数目,一笔钱+of

learn to do sums at school.

i h**e to spend a large sum of money to get it back.

从…时起。a result (of) (由于…的)结果。

he was late as a result of snow.

adj. 完全的,总计的。

n. 总数,数额。

my total score is 155.

in total=in all 总共,总计。

totally adv. 完全地。

the result is totally wrong.

that 如此…以至于…;以便。


v. 分享。

share sth. with sb.

n. 申请,申请书+to… 向…申请;应用,运用。

for… 申请得到…

i’ve written five applications to the company for the job.

v. 探险,探测;仔细检查;研究,**。

as soon as they arrived in the town, they went out to explore.

we must explore all the possibilities.

adv. 无论如何,即便如此,至少 =anyway

it’s too late anyhow.

anyhow you can try.

n. 信号,暗号。

v. 发信号,打信号。

adv. 就自己而言,就自己的看法而言 =personally speaking

she said she didn’t like it, but personally i think it was good.

v. 鼓励。

encourage sb. to do sth.

he encouraged me to apply for the job.

up 编造,捏造;组成,构成;化妆,化装。

make up a sentence

be made up of… 由…构成=co0nsist

5boys and 5 girls make up the team.

the team is made up of/consists of 5 boys and 5 girls.

unit 4

v. 减少,减小,降低+in… 在…方面减少。

n. 减少,降低,减少量。

decrease from … to …

the number of new students decreased from 100 to 80.

the price of wheat has decreased by 15%.

the species of bird is decreasing in numbers every year.

you should decrease the amount of fat you eat.

there has been some decrease in his income.


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