2023年新加坡毕业生就业调查 (发布于2023年) **: 劳立的日志
感谢这些律师,新加坡管理大学信息系统管理项目课程今年掉到了第2位,以优等生(cum laude)及以上毕业的学生,平均起薪为4547新元。
1. nus laws – 4,770 ($5,000)
2. smu information systems management (4-yr programme) cum laude and above – 4,547 ($4,950)
3. nus medicine and surgery – 3,852 ($4,000)
4. smu business management (4-yr programme) cum laude and above – 3,750 ($4,000)
5. smu accountancy cum laude and above – 3,625 ($3,800)
6. smu economics (4-yr programme) cum laude and above – 3,579 ($3,700)
7. smu social sciences (4-yr programme) cum laude and above – 3,479 ($3,875)
8. smu information systems management (4-yr programme) –3,474 ($4,000)
9. nus architecture – 3,445 ($3,700)
10. smu economics (4-yr programme) –3,429 ($3,700)
11. ntu computer science – 3,385 ($3,700)
12. nus information systems – 3,384 ($3,700)
13. nus industrial & systems engineering – 3,357 ($3,750)
14. ntu aerospace engineering – 3,344 ($3,800)
15. nus pharmacy – 3,298 ($3,300)
16. smu business management (4-yr programme) –3,292 ($3,500)
17. nus computer science – 3,289 ($3,400)
18. ntu arts (with education) –3,281 ($3,400)
19. ntu computer engineering – 3,272 ($3,600)
20. nus chemical engineering – 3,259 ($3,500)
21. nus electrical engineering – 3,235 ($3,500)
22. nus business administration (honours) –3,232 ($3,600)
23. ntu science (with education) –3,199 ($3,300)
24. ntu chemical & biomolecular engineering – 3,182 ($3,525)
25. nus computer engineering – 3,163 ($3,700)
26. smu accountancy (4-yr programme) –3,162 ($3,500)
27. ntu bioengineering – 3,160 ($3,800)
28. ntu mathematics & economics – 3,147 ($3,450)
29. nus computer engineering – 3,140 ($3,500)
30. ntu chinese – 3,118 ($3,400)
31. nus dental surgery – 3,116 ($3,400)
32. ntu electrical & electronic engineering – 3,110 ($3,400)
33. nus material science and engineering – 3,107 ($3,200)
34. nus business administration (accountancy)(honours) –3,081 ($3,375)
35. ntu materials engineering – 3,079 ($3,300)
36. nus mechanical engineering – 3,067 ($3,200)
37. ntu mechanical engineering – 3,064 ($3,400)
38. nus social sciences (honours) –3,062 ($3,335)
39. nus science (honours) –3,049 ($3,300)
40. nus – 3,049 ($3,500)
41. ntu mathematical sciences – 3,022 ($3,100)
42. nus arts (honours) –3,021 ($3,200)
43. nus business administration (3-yr programme) –3,008 ($3,000)
44. ntu economics – 2,995 ($3,200)
45. nus communication and media – 2,993 ($3,494)
46. ntu environmental engineering – 2,982 ($3,200)
47. ntu chemistry & biological chemistry – 2,981 ($3,300)
48. ntu biological sciences – 2,952 ($3,200)
49. ntu biomedical sciences – 2,950 ($3,175)
50. ntu sociology – 2,950 ($3,200)
51. nus applied science (honours) –2,944 ($3,100)
52. nus computing – 2,935 ($3,200)
53. ntu business (3-yr direct honours programme) –2,933 ($3,200)
54. ntu psychology – 2,932 ($3,300)
55. ntu civil engineering – 2,911 ($3,100)
56. nus environmental engineering – 2,895 ($3,200)
57. ntu physics – 2,862 ($3,250)
58. ntu maritime studies – 2,857 ($3,125)
59. ntu communication studies – 2,836 ($3,200)
60. smu social sciences (4-yr programme) –2,824 ($3,200)
61. nus bioengineering – 2,804 ($3,000)
62. ntu accountancy (3-yr direct honours programme) –2,778 ($2,775)
63. nus real estate – 2,762 ($3,000)
64. nus civil engineering – 2,757 ($2,800)
65. nus business administration (accountancy) –2,692 ($2,600)
66. nus project and facilities management – 2,657 ($2,800)
67. nus nursing – 2,654 ($2,800)
68. nus science – 2,653 ($2,900)
69. nus arts – 2,627 ($2,900)
70. ntu english literature – 2,603 ($3,050)
71. ntu art, design & media – 2,600 ($3,150)
72. nus engineering science – 2,571 ($3,000)
73. nus applied science – 2,427 ($2,800)
1. nus laws – 100.0% (5,000)
2. nus medicine and surgery – 100.0% (3,700)
3. ntu arts (with education) –100.0% (3,200)
4. ntu science (with education) –100.0% (3,200)
5. nus dental surgery – 100.0% (3,000)
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