高中英语短语 句型 搭配词典 上

发布 2020-01-08 10:15:28 阅读 4180


1. be about sth 忙于做某事,在干某事。如:

what are you about? 你在干(忙)什么?

he knew what he was about. 他知道自己在干什么。

2. be about to do sth

1) 即将,马上(不与具体时间状语连用)。如:

sit down, everyone. the film is about to start. 大家坐好,电影马上就要开发始了。

he was about to go to bed when the telephone rang. 他正要**睡觉,这时**铃响了起来。

2) 打算,有意(主要见于美国英语中,且主要用于否定句)。如:

i’m not about to lend him any more money. 我不打算再借给他任何钱。

i’m not about to stop when i’m so close to success. 现在我已接近要成功了,我不打算放弃。

3. how [what] about (doing) sth?

1) 用于征求意见,意为:你认为(做)某事怎么样? 如:

how about h**ing a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样?

what about a game of table tennis? 打场乒乓球怎么样?

2) 询问情况或打听消息,意为:(做)某事怎么样? 如:

what about that matter the other day? 早几天的那件事怎么样了?

3) 表示讽刺或挖苦,意为:你做某事又作何解释? 你做某事又怎么说? 如:

a:i h**e never had an accident while driving. 我开车从未出过事。

b:how about that time you ran into a lamppost? 那次你撞到路灯上又怎么解释呢?


i’m ready. what about you? 我已准备好了,你呢?

how about mother? is she all right? 妈妈怎么样? 她好吗?

above1. above all 首先,最重要的是。如:

above all, he was not honest. 最重要的是他不诚实。

but above all tell me quickly what i h**e to do now. 但现在首先要告诉我要去做什么。

2. be above one (one’s head) 太高深,无法理解。如:

the book is above the boy. 这个孩子读不懂这本书。

the lecture was above the heads of most students. 这个讲座大部分学生理解不了。

3. get above oneself 自高自大,自命不凡。如:

don’t get above yourself. 不要自以为了不起。

now he is getting far above himself. 他现在有变得狂妄了。


1. in (during) one’s absence / in (during) the absence of

1) 当某人不在时。如:

please look after my house in (during) my absence. 我不在的时候,请照看一下我的房子。

in the absence of the manager, i shall be in charge. 经理不在时,由我负责。

2) (由于)缺乏某物,在缺乏某物的情况下。如:

plants cannot exist in the absence of oxygen, nor can animals. 植物在无氧情况下不能生存,动物也是一样。

he was forced to accept it as true in the absence of other evidence. 由于没有别的证据,他只好认为那是真实的。

2. absence of mind 心不在焉。如:

absence of mind may h**e bad results. 心不在焉可能会导致糟糕的结果。


1. be absent from 不在,缺席。如:

he was absent from the meeting. 他没有参加会议。


he is absent from beijing. 他不在北京(而在别处)。

he is absent in beijing. 他不在这里而在北京。

2. absent oneself from 缺席,不在。如:

he absented himself from the meeting. 他没有出席会议。

why did you absent yourself from class yesterday? 你昨天为什么没来上课?


1. by accident 偶然地,无意中。如:

i found it by accident. 我是无意中找到它的。

columbus discovered america by accident. 哥伦布偶然发现了美洲大陆。

注:by accident 主要用作状语,有时也用作表语。如:

our meeting in paris was by accident. 我们在巴黎见面是个巧合。

2. by accident of 因为……的机会,由于……的运气。如:

by accident of birth, he was rich. 他有幸生在富裕家庭。

3. without accident 平安无事地。如:

that night passed without accident. 一夜平安无事。

the ship arrived there without accident. 船平安到达那儿。


1. according as 根据,随……而定(后接从句)。如:

everyone contributes according as he is able. 每个人根据自己的能力作出贡献。

you will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad. 根据你工作的好坏,你会得到表扬或批评。

according as you are studying now, you won’t make much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。

2. according to

1) 根据,按照(主要引出状语)。如:

everything went off according to plan. 一切都按照计划实现了。

according to my watch it is five o’clock. 照我的表,现在是五点钟。

each man will be paid according to his ability. 每个人将根据他的能力获得报酬。

注:according to 后一般不接 view(看法)和 opinion(意见)这类词,也不接表示第一人称的代词(me, us)。如:


正:in my opinion, the film is wonderful.

误:according to my opinion, the film is wonderful.

误:according to me, the film is wonderful.

2) 合乎,符合(主要引出表语)。如:

it is not according to his nature to give praise. 他本性不喜欢颂扬。


1. by (from) all accounts 据说,据报道,根据各方面所说。如:

he is a great football player, from all accounts. 据说他是个很不了起的足球运动员。

i’ve never been there but it is, by all accounts, a lovely place. 我从未去过那地方,但听说那地方很好。

2. on account of 因为,由于。如:

he couldn’t come on account of his illness. 他因病不能前来。

on account of holiday our store will be closed tomorrow. 由于明天是假日,我们商店停止营业。

3. on all accounts (on every account) 总之,无论如何。如:

on all accounts you must go. 总之,你一定得去。

it is best to stay here on every account. 总之,留在这儿是最好的。

4. on no accounts 绝不,无论如何都不。如:

my name must on no accounts be mentioned to anyone. 我的名字是绝不能向任何人提起的。

i will never do such a thing on any account. 无论如何我决不做这样的事。


on no accounts must this switch be touched. 这个开关是绝不能触摸的。

5. on one’s account 为了某人的缘故。如:

don’t put off the meeting on my account. 不要为了我而把会议推迟。

高中英语短语 句型 搭配词典 上

about1.be about sth 忙于做某事,在干某事。如 what are you about?你在干 忙 什么?he knew what he was about.他知道自己在干什么。2.be about to do sth 1 即将,马上 不与具体时间状语连用 如 sit down,ev...

高中英语短语 句型 搭配词典 上 解析

about1.be about sth 忙于做某事,在干某事。如 what are you about?你在干 忙 什么?he knew what he was about.他知道自己在干什么。2.be about to do sth 1 即将,马上 不与具体时间状语连用 如 sit down,ev...

高中英语短语 句型与搭配词典 下

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