
发布 2020-01-03 12:30:28 阅读 1926


2. 大学英语对升本语法结构要求。



重视词汇和语法的学习。不能只求记住多少单词、词组的意义和语法规则, 要做到灵活运用。

b. 考查重点。

1. 词汇考查重点。

1. 动词、名词与介词的搭配如:popular (patient)+with;yield/solution/adapt/transfer/access+to;accuse/require+of;charge+for;under+discussion等等。

习惯用法如:confess to/set about/be used to+doing;be supposed to/h**e (make) sb.+do等。

2. 由同一动词构成的短语如:come,go,set,break等构成的短语。

3. 单个的动词、抽象名词、形容词和副词多以近义词、同义词的形式出现。

4. 介词短语在句中作状语如:in terms of;with the exception of;in vain等,另外还应注意rather than,other than,such as,none/nothing+but等词在考题**现。

2. 语法结构考查重点。




would rather+that从句+ ;

it is vital/necessary/important/urgent/imperative/desirable/advisable/natural/essential+that+ ;

it is time/about time/high time+that+ ;proposal/suggestion+that+ ;

lest+that+should+ ;

if only+that+would+ 。


非if引导的条件状语从句,此类句子多用at times,provided,so long as,in case,once等来替代if;

由even if/so,now that,for all等引导的让步状语从句;


more than,as…as,not so much as,the same as,as much as等引导的比较状语从句。




c. 语法结构考试三大难点。

1. 独立主格结构


1)she being my friend, i should h**e helped her. (人称代词逻辑主语用主格,逻辑主语与分词形成主谓关系用现在分词)

2)more time given, we should h**e done it much better. (逻辑主语与分词形成动宾关系(被动)用过去分词)

3)the students h**ing done all the exercises, the teacher went on to explain the text.(强调分词发生的时间在主语动词的时间之前用现在分词的完成时)

4)her money (h**ing been )stolen, she couldn’t buy a plane ticket for her home. (同上,此句中being / h**ing been常可省略)

5)there being no bus, we had to go back home on foot.( there being +逻辑主语是独立分词结构的一种特殊形式,表示存在,相当于一个状语)

2. 情态动词与完成时连用。

1) should +h**e+过去分词。

表示过去“本应该……而实际未做”,暗示说话人对自己的责备、抱怨或遗憾的意思。否定结构为shouldn’t +h**e+过去分词,表示过去“本不应该……”而实际上做了的动作。

how i regretted the days when i had played and should h**e studied.

you shouldn’t h**e told anyone about it.

2) must + h**e + 过去分词。

表示对过去情况的推测,意为“一定, 想必,可能”。表示对过去情况的否定推测用“can’t (couldn’t) +h**e + 过去分词”,不用“mustn’t + h**e + 过去分词”,反意疑问句用h**e (has)。有明确表示过去时间的状语(before 除外)时反意疑问句用did。

since the ditch is full of water, it must h**e rained last night.

joe can’t h**e left. i saw him just now.

the party couldn’t h**e been successful as you had hoped.

he must h**e finished his homework, hasn’t he?

he must h**e attended the meeting yesterday evening, didn’t he?

3) may (might) +h**e + 过去分词。

表示对过去情况的推测。用might + h**e + 过去分词可以用于肯定句、否定句,但不用于疑问句。

in return i may h**e been able to teach you a little about medical technique.

might he h**e been caught and killed? 错误。

4) can (could) +h**e+过去分词。


they can’t h**e lost themselves in the woods, because i drew a map to them.

bill couldn’t h**e gone home this weekend. i saw him at the school ground this morning.

5) need + h**e +过去分词。

表示过去“没有必要做”,有责备的意思。否定形式表示 “做了本不应该……”的事。

need you h**e watched tv last night?

you needn’t h**e woken me up so early. it’s sunday today.

6) would + h**e + 过去分词。

表示“本应该……,而未……”would like to h**e + 过去分词表示“过去希望做……但未……”

we would h**e argued with you.

i would like to h**e seen the film.

3. 关系代词as和which的区别。


as is planned, we got there before eight.


he has succeeded in his career, as / which we all hope.

her grandma died last week, which made her very sad.

3)当关系代词代替主句中的宾语从句或复合结构(如:宾+补;不定式短语;动词-ing形式短语等) 时,一般只能用which, 而不用 as。

she told us that there was something wrong with her bike, which was true.

he asked her to help him with his english, which she did.

4) as 在非限制性定语从句中,还常跟such连用。

there was a look of love in the teacher’s eyes, such as mothers h**e for their children.

4. as常用于一些固定结构中。

as is well known / as we all know 众所周知 as is said above 正如上面所说。

as might be imagined 正如所想象的那样 as is reported 如报道所说。

as has been pointed 如所指出的那样 as is expected 正如所料。








26.confuse puzzle bewilder perplex confuse 使混乱,混淆。指心中纷乱的思绪使头脑变得混乱。搭配为 confusewith puzzle 使迷惑,困惑。指复杂的事件或难题使人难以理解,迷惑失措。bewilder 迷惑,困惑。语气最重,指糊涂到了无法清醒思考的地...

河南专升本英语词汇 1

abandon bndn v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃。ability blt n.能力 才能。abnormal bnm l a.反常的,的。aboard bd prep.上 船,飞机,火车,汽车等 abolish bl v.废除,废止。abortion b n v.人工流产,堕胎。above bv pre...

专升本 英语词汇表

ability 4 biliti n.1.能力2.能耐,本领。aboard 在船 或飞机 车 上,上船 或飞机 车 above 在。之上。高于ad.在上面,以上a.上面的,上述的。abroad 4 br3 d ad.1.国外,海外2.传开。absent 1bs4nt,4b sent a.1.缺席,不...