
发布 2020-01-03 04:12:28 阅读 8223

s1b 重要句型汇总。

unit 1 the phantom of the opera

1. on this lake was an island.

on that island, one hundred years ago, lived the phantom.



there goes the bell.

now comes your turn.

2. at birth, he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask.

语法点拨:so… that… 结果状语从句。so放句首,主句部分倒装。

so ugly was he that his own mother made him wear a mask.

he is so clever a boy that we all love him.

so clever a boy is he that we all love him.

he spoke so fast that i didn’t follow him.

so fast did he speak that i didn’t follow him.

3. he spent years wandering the earth until he found his home on the island.

语法点拨:1)sb. spend st. /sm. (in) doing sth. /on sth.

2)do sth. unitl + 时间点 (do 是延续性动词) 做某事直到某时。

do not do sth. until + 时间点 (do 可以是延续或瞬间动词)直到某时才开始做某事。


tom didn’t know the truth until he read the news*****.

it was not until he read the news***** that tom knew the truth. (强调句)

not until he read the news***** did tom know the truth. (倒装句)

4. he often sang to her late at night, hiding behind a secret wall in her room.


1)doing sth, sb. /sth. did ..2个动作同时发生或几乎同时发生,主动)

walking in the street, i met my friend.

2)h**ing done sth., sb. /sth. did ..2个动作先后发生,主动)

h**ing done my homework, i lay down to rest.

3)done, sb. /sth. did…(2个动作同时发生或几乎同时发生,被动)

encouraged by the teacher, the boy felt confident.

4)h**ing been done, sb. /sth. did … 2个动作先后发生,被动)

h**ing been warned several times, the driver still turned a deaf ear.


being rebuilt, the museum is presently closed.

5. only one man was br**e enough to follow.

语法点拨:be + adj. enough to do … be so + adj. as to do … be so + adj. +that …

only one man was so br**e as to follow.

only one man was so br**e that he followed.

6. she understood how lonely his life had been.

语法点拨:how 引导宾语从句,从句为陈述语序。

7. by now, a group of people had reached the phantom’s house.

语法点拨:句中 by now = by then,句子用过去完成时。

by 的用法:

1)by the time sb. did sth., sb. had done sth.

2)by the time sb. does sth., sb. will h**e done sth.

3)by the end of + 将来时,sb. will h**e done.

4)by the end of + 过去时,sb. had done.

8. they burst in, ready to kill him.


the old man returned, tired and hungry.

more reading the concert hall which moved

1. some of the world’s top musicians, including the famous cellist yo-yo ma and the violinist isaac stern, played there.

语法点拨:including (介词) 包括。

ten people were invited to the ball, including tom.

ten people were invited to the ball, (with) tom included.

2. one way of s**ing the concert hall was moving it.


the way of doing sth. =the way to do sth.

the way in which / that / sb. do sth.

in this way / by this method / by this means

3. the shanghai concert hall was completely restored after being moved.

语法点拨:after 是介词,加动名词作宾语。

the shanghai concert hall was completely restored after it was moved. (after 是连词,加句子)

before 用法同after

4. with new paint and a new location, the charm of the concert hall was brought back to life.

语法点拨:with sth. 介词短语作状语。

with 的用法:

1) with + n., sb. /sth. did …

with a new dress, the girl looked pretty.

2) with sb. /sth. +介词短语,sb. /sth. did…

with his glasses on his nose, the old man could read news*****s.

3) with sb. /sth. +adj.

with the window open, fresh air can come in.

4) with sb. /sth. doing, sb. did… (2个动作同时发生,主动)

with sb. /sth. done, sb. /sth. did…(2个动作先后发生,被动)

with sb./ sth. to do (to be done), sb. /sth. did…(状语部分动作将要发生,主动或被动)

with my dog leading the way, i walked home.

with my wallet lost, i couldn’t pay the bill.

with two more *****s to write / to be written, i felt stressed.

unit 2 two geniuses

1. einstein used to say that his only gift he had was curiosity, but his story about him shows that he also has a sense of humor.

语法点拨:1) used to 和would比较。

he used to get up early in the morning, but now he often oversleeps. (过去常做,现在不做了)

he would tell us stories whenever he had time. (过去常做,且经常跟表过去的时间状语连用)

birds will fly south when it’s getting cold. (习惯性)

whatever i do, the door won’ t open. (倾向性)

2) his only gift he had was curiosity. =his only gift that he had was curiosity. 定语从句缺宾语,省略关系词that。

2. as a young man with a growing reputation, einstein received many invitations to explain his theories at different universities.


book 1 unit 1 重点句型book 1 unit 2 重点句型 1.状语从句的省略 while 分词结构 if 引导的让步状语从句。2.强调句 it is that1.特殊疑问词 do you think believe imagine guess 其他。was a time than 与...


1.事情 有可能 主语从句 他有可能在宿舍里。人类有可能登上其他星球。谓语 宾语 is that why who when令我们惊讶的是,他来到了这。使我们不安的是,妈妈很可能不能痊愈了。使我们高兴的是,试验成功了。是我们不解的是,他为什没不把实情告诉我。使大家激动的是,中国宇航员成功完成了太空行走...


1 so happened chanced that clause.sb.happened chanced to do sth.sth.by chance.2 it seems that sb.do be doing h e done had done sb.seems to do be doing...