论题:statement; claim; declaration; assertion; opinion; belief; view; conviction; persuasion
要求 request; demand; needs; requisition
撤销 to cancel; to revoke; to countermand; [law] to rescind; to quash
建立 to build up; to establish; to set up; to found; to take root; to strike root
消除 to eliminate; to clear; to remove; to clear up; to take away; to smooth away
推理 1.[logic] inference; reasoning; deduction; ratiocination
put two and two together
相应 relevant; relative; fitting; appropriate
correspondingly; by the same token; in a corresponding way
correspond to; to act in responses; to work in concert with; to support each other
导致 lead to; to bring about (or on); to result in; to cause; to spark off; to conduce to; to procure; to induce; to generate
后果 a consequence; an aftermath; an outcome
检查 to inspect; to check; to examine; to look over; to put to the test; to keep a check on
prize; reward; award; grant; assign; confer(on); honor; fame; credit; contribution
acknowledgement; recognition
very; strikingly; greatly; highly; insatiably; exceedingly; dreadfully; remarkably; drastically; dramatically
足够 sufficient; adequate; enough
为大家找到一些high-level vocabulary, 注意平时积累和灵活使用。
inferno : 可与幸福生活构成强对比。
inky: 用于个人或科研道路上的迷茫。
latency: 如写到作者尚未表现出作用的潜在危险,或自己所主张的观点长远作用
motivate(ignite): **深层心理方面原因,寻找内内因时用。
emulate: 名人的作用,如是否该给科学家以大奖等的时候,可以用于描述牛人带动一片人
三个责任:obligation, responsibility, liability
三个重要:paramount, significant, important
考虑相关的词:ponder, delve, brood, speculate, deduce, 其它的就很基础,不用说了
提高/增加:augment,increase, elevation,
混乱: uproar,pandemonium, turmoil (描述驳斥**的时候,或者写到紧急情况时的社会情况,人们的表现)
记忆:rote(关于教育的时候,说学生如何受其毒害,总是rote) reminisce(美好留念,怀念,回忆) recollect
平静相关的词: halcyon, quietude, calmness equability equanimity equilibrium impassivity, placidity
残疾;cripple, deformity:(教育类)可用来抨击一些只强调一方面而忽视另外方面的教育
错误:lapse, mistake, error, falsity, inaccuracy.
评价:evaluate, assess, estimate, judge.
威胁/危害:menace, jeopardize, imperil, endanger(用与极端事物对社会的危害)
分配:allot, distribute, assign (谈到社会分工以及贫富差距时候可用到)
短/长:transient, ephemeral / enduring, permanent
代表:representative, mark, stand for(动词形式),deputation。
拥有/获得:possess, hold, obtain(把持住了的,拿到了的,攥在手心的东西) acquire, gain(获得利益,知识and so on) attain, acheive(达到某种目) (这几个词在作文中的频率相当高,多记几个就能使文章词汇有所变化,看起来舒服些)
角度/方面: angles/aspect/facet/side.(段落转折处经常用到)
解决 及物动词 tackle,address,resolve,combat 破坏 及物动词 undermine,jeopardize,devastate 最后一个与其最强 影响 名词 impact,repercussions,ramifications,implications 从事 及物动词 ca...
it s an honor to meet很荣幸认识你。how do i address you如何称呼您?it s going to be the pride of our company这将是本公司的荣幸。what line of business are you in你做那一行?keep in...
公文写作中常用同义词辨析公文是处理公务的一种重要的文字工具,在制作过程中,对公文常用同义词语的选用是一件煞费苦心的事,下面从常用同义词中选取几组进行辨析。截止与截至 截止 是指 到一定期限停止 如 报名在昨天已经截止 截至 是截止到某个时候,如 报名日期截至本月底止 在 截至 中 截 的意思就是 截...