《英语 1》复习指导

发布 2020-01-02 17:19:28 阅读 4831






be going to + v:表示说话者对将来要做事情的打算,强调主观意志。


i’m mary. i come from america. i live in london.

he is slim and tall. she is friendly.

i like swimming.

how was the meeting like? it was boring.

she can do web-sign. mark is good at playing computer games.


unit 2

提议would you like to do sth?

would you like to h**e a coffee? -yes, please./ no, thanks.

请求could you do sth?

could you spell it, pleaseyes, of course.

unit 3

提议what would you like?

what would you like, polly? -i’d like some crisps.

i’ll (i will) do sth i’ll buy the drinks.


提议what about v-ing? how about v-ing?

what about seeing this flat? -well, i don’t know.

why don’t you + do?

why don’t you see that flat? -yes, that’s a good idea.

unit 10

提议shall i do sth? shall i help you?

请求 i would like sb to do sth. i’d like you to cook the dinner.

unit 17

提议 let’s dolet’s go to see the film. yes, let’s go.

shall we do shall we h**e a party? great. that’s a good idea.

why don’t we do woy don’t we h**e a barbecue? ok.

请求who shall we invite?

where shall we go?

what shall we do?

4.谈论数量 how many oranges do we need?

how much rice should we buy?

5.谈论** how much does it cost? how much is the rent?

6.表达批评 it’s too dirty. yes, it’s not clean enough.

7.**用语 could i speak to mary? this is mr. smith. who is calling , please?

8.表示同意 i like animals. so do i.

i don’t like snake. neither do i.


rose is more friendly than frank.

she was warmer than frank.

his french is worse.

10.表示数量过多/足够 we h**e too much cheese. will two kilos be enough?

第三部分:句型转换 (每小题3分,共15分)


第四部分:阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)

这部分包含两种题型,一种是判断正误,根据所读文章内容,对其后句子的对错做出判断,正确为 (right), 错误为(wrong)。另一类是三选一的多项选择,就是根据所读文章内容,选择所给问题的正确答案,在试卷中各有一篇短文。

第五部分:英译汉 (每小题3分,共15分)


英语 1 期末复习指导 文本

陈扬 大家好,现在是英语ii 1 课程的期末答疑时间。欢迎大家积极参与。高丽 老师好,我是天津的黄燕,想请教一下期末前还有没有一些复习资料呢?考试有听力和上机考试吗?陈扬 如果你没有参加试点,就是传统的纸质考试,考试没有听力,具体题型请参阅本课程的期末复习提要那本蓝色的小册子。上面还有模拟试题,可以...


高考语文命题的基本走势及复习建议。一 教学目的。1 让学生把握复习的方向 2 让学生把握复习的重点 不无的放矢 3 让学生了解高考题的题型特点 二 教学重点。1 高考语文命题的基本走势。2 复习的重点的把握。三 教学设想。以讲座的形式进行教学,因而减少双边活动。四 教学时数。课时。教学内容和步骤 第...


一 计划性。制定切合自己学生的复习计划,要落实到具体每一周,甚至每一天,而且一定要按计划开展教学活动,避免随意性。复习时,不赶进度,稳扎稳打,循序渐进。二 三轮复习。由于九年级下学期教材没有新的语法知识 话题和功能项目,因此,我们可以依托教材进行第一轮复习。具体做法 边上课扩大词汇量,边复习相关学过...