
发布 2020-01-02 07:09:28 阅读 6808

1. 规则变化:

(1) 单音节和少数双音节词。

a. 多在词尾加-est,如:tallest

b. 以不发音的e结尾,直接加-st,如:nicest

c. 以辅音字母加y结尾,把y变i,再加-est,如:funniest

d. 以一个辅音字母结尾而前面只有一个元音的词,双写辅音字母再加-est,如:biggest, hottest等。

(2) 多音节词和少数双音节词,在词前加most, 如:most beautiful

2. 不规则变化:www .x

good/well---best bad/ ill---worst many/ much---most

little---least far---farthest/ furthest


11.表示三者或三者以上(人或物)的比较,其中有一个超过其他几个。形容词最高级前要加the,副词最高级前常省略the, 后面通常带of(in)短语来说明比较的范围(of 后的名词或代词表示与主语属同一类;in 表示时间或空间范围)。

在我们班上他最高。 he istall) _our class.


mary isyoung) _the three students.

2. one of + the +形容词最高级 + 名词复数最…的…之一。

tom is one of the cleverest students in our class.

3. the + 序数词 + 形容词最高级 + 可数名词单数 + in 短语


the yellow river is the second longest river in china.

4.形容词最高级用在选择疑问句中,which/ who be+ the 最高级… a, b or c?

which city is the biggest, beijing, shanghai or linyi?

5. the + 形容词最高级 + 可数名词单数 + of (in)短语 =

than the other + 名词复数。

比较级 +

than any other + 可数名词单数


he is the tallest boy in his class.

he is taller than any other boy in his class.

he is taller than the other boys in his class

6. 当形容词最高级有形容词性的物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,最高级前的定冠词 the 省略。

linda is my sister’s best friend.

“用twice 等表示倍数的词+ as +原级+as…”表示甲是乙的几倍。

“用twice 等表示倍数的词+比较级than …表示甲比乙···几倍。


this room is __as big as that one.

=this room is __bigger than that one

1 which isbig) ,the sun,the moon or the earth?

is __beautiful),the black coat or the blue one?

mooncake is __cheap) of all.

isstrong) in the class.

is __widely)spoken in the world.

6、黄河是中国第二长河。the yellow river isriver in china.

7. playing computer games isof all the activities.(interesting).

is one of thefriendly) people in the class.


asas your uncle?


___the girlthe boy? yes,she __

11 北京是中国最美丽的城市。

练一练。一、 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级。

1. old2. busy

3. thin4. many

5. slow6. delicious


1. bob never does his homework___mary. he makes lots of mistakes.

a. so careful as b. as carefully as c. carefully as d. as careful as

air in our town is __than it used to be. something must be done to it.

a. very good b. much better c. rather than d. even worse

3. i feel __better than yesterday. a. more b. very c. the d. far

4. china has a large population than __in the world.

a. all the countries b. every country c. any country d. any other country

sick boy is getting __day by day.

b. bad c. badly c. worst

necklace looks __and__ sells__.

a. well, well b. good, nice c. nice, good d. nice, well

8. doctor wang __heart operation

a. is interested on b. like doing c. does well in d. is good at

population of shangdong is__ than that sichuan.

a. smaller b. larger c. less d. large

didn’t go shopping didn’t __

a. so b. either c. too c. neither

11.__delicious the food is!

b . how a c. what d. what a

12. what animal do like __i like all kinds of animals.

a. better b. best c. very d. well

is a very large island. it’t the second__ island in china.

b. larger c. largest d. most large

you want to book a round –trip ticket,you’ll h**e to pay __30.

b. other c. the other d. another

horse is __than a dog.

he**y he**ier he**ier he**y


isbig) ,the sun,the moon or the earth?

is __beautiful),the black coart or the blue one?

mooncake is __cheap) of all.

isstrong) in the class.

is __widely)spoken in the world.


1.你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。your question isof two.

2. 你游泳没有你弟弟好。you can’t swimyour brother.

3. 今天比昨天冷的多。it istoday___it was yesterday.

4. 对这个故事我比另一个喜欢的多。this story isthan that one.


形容词比较级最高级练习题。一 写出下列形容词和副词的比较级形式。1.2 34.5 6 二 用形容词的适当形式填空 2.3.4 a a 7.尼羅河 8.16i m,i 17 18 i.19 20 三 用副词的适当形式填空。1 a 2 3 4 5 稍微的 6 7,四 选择正确答案 1.a.b.c.s 4...

比较级 最高级复习及练习题

形容词 副词的比较级和最高级。1.形容词和副词的原级比较 当相比较的两者 两部分在程度上相同或相近时,可用原级比较。结构 a.肯定 as 原级 as 和。一样 tom is as old as me tim plays basketball as well as mike.b.否定 not as s...


一 形容词 副词的最高级构成 极重要,逐条清 一般在词尾加 est.如 old oldest,short shortest.特殊 new newest 因为ew是字母组合,不适用于重读闭音节双写辅音字母加 est 以字母e结尾的词加 st.如late latest,nice nicest.重读闭音节...