商务英语 高级 课后练习

发布 2020-01-02 07:10:28 阅读 9620

unit 1


1 the ( of yellow and blue form green. combine

2 the store is in an ideal ( to draw tourists. situate

3 the thief's ( of guilt closed the case. confess

4 there is no ( between the nations. relate

5 he had a long telephone ( converse

答案:1 combination

2 situation

3 confession

4 relation

5 conversation


1. steam can [generate] electricity by turning an electric generator.

2. he earned high [commendation] from the people for his br**ery.

3. the policeman [halted] the speeding car to see if the driver was drunk.

4. i h**e a [sore] throat from cold.

5. i will show you the [magnificent] palace of the king.


1. 正确答案:b

题目翻译:发电机可以转化让水蒸汽产生电。 选项翻译:a.改变b.产生c.停止d.覆盖。

2. 正确答案:c


3. 正确答案:a

题目翻译:警察让超速的车停下检查司机是否喝酒。 选项翻译:a.停止b.发现c.追捕d.拿。

4. 正确答案:d

题目翻译:我感冒喉咙痛。 选项翻译:a.强壮b.微弱c.干净d.痛。

5. 正确答案:a

题目翻译:我带你去看国王华丽的宫殿。 选项翻译:a.伟大的b.古代的c.钝的d.彩色的。

unit 2


1. although he was a f( )e at school, he became a successful man later. 失败者。

2. he was so c( )s to know what was in the letter that he opened it ,even though it was addressed to his sister. 好奇的。

3. will you be quite f( )k with me about this matter? 坦白的。

4. in their school they h**e an i( )l of ten minutes for recess. 间隔的时间。

5. the police watched the cafe to which the robber was known to r( )t. 常去。


1. 正确答案:failure 题目翻译:尽管他在学校是个失败者,最后他还是成了一个成功的人。

2. 正确答案:curious 题目翻译:他太好奇信里是什么,就打开了,尽管是寄给他姐姐的。

3. 正确答案:frank 题目翻译:你能非常坦白的告诉我这件事吗?

4. 正确答案:interval 题目翻译:在学校里,有十分钟的休息时间。

5. 正确答案:resort 题目翻译:警察们监视了强盗们常去的咖啡馆。

1. [compliment]

2. [indifferent]

3. [deceitful]

4. [momentary]

5. [withdraw]

答案解析:1. 正确答案:b 斜体翻译:赞美。


2. 正确答案:c 斜体翻译:冷淡的。


3. 正确答案:d 斜体翻译:骗人的。


4. 正确答案:a 斜体翻译:暂时的。


5. 正确答案:c 斜体翻译:缩回,撤退。


unit 3


1. we could see the [blaze] of a cheerful fire through the window.

2. my parents will be [disappointed] if i failed the examination again.

3. they put meat in the [trap] to attract the lion.

4. the church bells [summon] people to worship.

5. the dog seemed [testless] as if he sensed some danger.

6. your friendship is most [precious] to me.

7. we heard a wolf [howl] near the house.

8. he refused to join the army, believing that he had no [moral] right to kill.

9. the car is my [property], you can't use it without my permission.

10. the doctor said that the patient's heart was [sound].

1. 正确答案:d

题目翻译:透过窗户可以看到焰花。 选项翻译:a.搭b.愤怒c.愤怒d.火焰。

2. 正确答案:a

题目翻译:如果我的考试再不通过,我父母会失望。 选项翻译:a.失望b.消失c.消失d.释放。

3. 正确答案:c

题目翻译:他们把肉扔进陷阱吸引狮子。 选项翻译:a.地毯b.破布c.圈套d.货物。

4. 正确答案:a

题目翻译:教堂的钟声叫人们去做礼拜。 选项翻译:a.叫b.做c.祈祷d.吸引。

5. 正确答案:b

题目翻译:如果感到一点危险,狗看起来会很不安。 选项翻译:a.浅的b.心神不安c.慷慨的d.疼痛。

6. 正确答案:d

题目翻译:你的友谊对我非常珍贵。 选项翻译:a.坚实的b.明显的c.粗鲁d.有价值的。

7. 正确答案:b

题目翻译:我听见狼在房子附近咆哮。 选项翻译:a.消失b.吼叫c.淹死d.插入。

8. 正确答案:a

题目翻译:他拒绝了参军,他相信没有必要为了道义杀人。 选项翻译:a.道德b.正常的c.声音d.粗。

9. 正确答案:b

题目翻译:这个车归我所有,没有我的允许你不能用。 选项翻译:a.能力b.财产c.常去d.责任。

10. 正确答案:a

题目翻译:医生说这个病人的心脏是健康的。 选项翻译:a.健康的b.好奇的c.坦率的d.中立的。

unit 4

答案解析:1. 正确答案:b



高级商务英语培训。一 学好商务英语首先弄清四个问题 第一,练习英语阅读时遇到陌生单词怎么办?选择跳过还是查字典 利用上下文猜想。面对阅读中的陌生词汇,你可以直接猜测它的重要性,如果比较重要,妨碍了对文章的理解,那么可以先利用上下文,猜测其词义 特别是当自己对猜测额含义没有把握的时候,查字典就是最好的...

商务英语 bec 高级口语练习

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