考研英语必备核心词 10

发布 2020-01-01 13:05:28 阅读 2409

1, lay off 停止使用 ,解雇=call off=give the sack

you can’t lay him off 你不能解雇他

2, lay out 安排,设计。

you must lay out your money reasonably 你必须合理的花钱。

3, not in the least 丝毫不,一点不。

he works happily ,not in the least tired 他工作很开心,一点也不累。

4, let alone 更不用说=not to mention

i am not afraid of being dark,let alone loneliness 我不怕黑,更何况孤身一人。

5, le**e sb alone 不打扰(某人),让。。。独自呆。

you can le**e him alone 你可以让他一个人待待。

6, at leisure 闲散,悠闲。

he is at leisure to read books 他将在悠闲的时候去读书。

7, at length 充分地,详尽地,最后,终于。

he talked at length about his new plan 他详细地谈论着他的新计划。

8,in(the) light of =according to 按照,根据

your decision is in the light of your inner side你的决定遵从了你的内心。

8, out of line with 立场上与。。。不一致,不成一直线。

your opinion is out of line with his 你的观点和他的观点不一致。

9.live off 以。。。为生,依靠。。。生活 =live on =feed on

he lives off his talent 他依靠他的才华生活。

9, live up to 达到,符合,不辜负。

i try to live up to your request 我尝试达到你的要求。

10, look into 深入地调查。

i must look into the matter 我必须深入地调查这个事件。

11, at a loss 不只所错,困惑= be wildered by

he found himself at a loss for words of consolation 他简直想不出安慰的话来。

12, make reflections on 对。。。进行思考=reflect on

we must make reflections on our beh**iors 我们必须对我们的行为作出思考。

13, make-believe虚构(或假想)的事物。

he feels confused about the make-believe world 他对于虚拟的世界很迷惑。

14, make for 促进,有助于。

your effort can make for a good result你的努力能促成了一个好的结果。

15, make out 弄懂= catch on

i must make the problem out我必须弄懂这个问题。


考研英语必备核心词组 11 1,at the mercy of under the mercy of 在。的支配下,任凭。摆布。i can t live at the mercy of your threaten 我不能生活在你的支配下。2,get a move on 赶快,加紧。i d bette...

考研英语必备核心词 八

1,get down to sth 开始认真做某事,着手做 go about doing set about doing move on to let s get down to our work 让我们开始认真做我们的工作。2,give off 放出,释放。the plastic bags can...


1,tell apart 区分,辨别。these things are easy to tell apart 这些东西很容易辨别。2,thumb through 快速浏览。you can t thumb through the book 你不能快速浏览这本书。3,keep track of 了解,记...