
发布 2019-12-27 16:57:28 阅读 8232

无锡的英语100句,1. good morning, mr black!布莱克先生,你早!

2. good afternoon, mrs smith!史密斯太太,下午好!

3. good evening, miss snow!**小姐,晚上好!

4. how do you do?你好!

(回答时也用how do you do?)5. how are you?


6. i'm fine. thank you.

and you?我很好,谢谢。你也好吗?

7. nice to meet you!见到你很高兴。

8. welcome to wuxi!欢迎到无锡来!

9. h**e a good time in wuxi.祝你在无锡过得愉快!

10. i hope to see you again.我希望能再见到你。

11. good-bye! /bye!

/see you later.再见。12.

come in, please.请进。13.

sit down, please.请坐。

14. h**e a cup of tea, please.请喝茶。

15. may i know your name, please?请问你的名字叫什么?

16. may i know your nationality?你的国籍是什么?

17. excuse me, may i introduce myself?请问,我可以作自我介绍吗?18. my name is wang lin.我叫王林。

19. i'd like to introduce my chinese friends to you.请让我把我的中国朋友介绍给你。

20. this is mr li and that is mr chen.这位是李先生,那位是陈先生。

21. do you speak english?你会讲英语吗?

22. i can speak a little english.我会讲一点英语。23. what hotel do you stay at?你在哪个宾馆下榻?

24. may i know your phone number?你的**号码是多少?

25. hello,can i speak to mr green?喂,请格林先生接**好吗?26. what's your job?你的职业是什么?

27. i beg your pardon.对不起,我没听清楚。

28. can i le**e a message?我能留个口信吗?

29. please stay in touch.请保持联系。

30. sorry i'm late.很抱歉,我迟到了。

31. thank you very much.非常感谢你。

32. you're welcome.不用客气。

33. do you mind if i smoke here?我抽支烟你介意吗?

34. not at all. /better not.


what day is today?今天是星期几?36.

it's saturday.今天是星期六。

37. what time is it now? /what's the time now?

现在几点钟?38. it's about half past nine / nine thirty.

大约九点半。39. what's the date today?


40. today is the 23rd of may.今天是五月二十三日。41. how is the weather today?今天天气怎样?

42. it's fine.是晴天。

43. it's quite hot / cold today.今天相当热/冷。

44. what's the highest / lowest temperature today?今天的最高/低气温是多少?

45. what will the weather be like tomorrow?明天的天气怎么样?

46. are you used to the climate here?你对这里的气候习惯吗?

47. i think i'll soon get used to it.我想我很快就能适应的。

48. where's the post office?邮局在**?

49. go straight ahead.一直往前走。

50. go that way, please.请往那边走。

51. how can i get to wuxi no.4 people's hospital?

到无锡第四人民医院怎么走?52. take the no.

10 bus.乘10路公共汽车。

53. can you tell me the way to the shopping centre?请问去商业中心的路怎么走?

54. turn right / left.向右/左拐。

55. how far is it to the department store from here?从这里到百货商店有多远?

56. it's a long way, and you'd better take a taxi.离这里很远,你最好乘出租汽车去。

57. please take me to the hotel.请把我送到宾馆。

58. does this bus go to the railway station?这辆公共汽车开往火车站吗?

59. can i help you?你要买点什么东西?

60. would you show me some t-shirts?请拿几件t恤衫给我看看好吗?

a minute, please!请稍等一下。62.

how much, please?多少钱?

63. it's twenty.二十元。

64. h**e you got anything cheaper?有没有**低一些的呢?

65. h**e you got any envelopes?你们有信封卖吗?

66. sorry, we h**en't.对不起,我们这儿没有。

67. i'd like to see some socks.给我几双短袜看看。

68. i'd like to try on the sweater.我想试试这件毛衣。

69. welcome here again.欢迎再次光顾。

70. what would you like to eat?你想吃什么?

71. which do you prefer, fish or meat?你喜欢吃鱼还是肉?

72. what would you like to drink?你喜欢喝些什么?

73. they serve good food in this restaurant.这家饭馆的饭菜很好。

74. let's h**e a drink.让我们喝点饮料吧。

75. how are you going there?你打算怎样到那儿去?76. are you going there by bus / taxi / train?


77. what's the quickest way to get there?到那儿去,最快的办法是什么?

78. september and october are the best time for sightseeing here.九、十两个月是这里的最佳观光季节。

79. i suggest you go to xihui park.我建议你去锡惠公园。

80. it will take you two hours to visit jichang garden.游览寄畅园需要两个小时。

81. what's your plan for sightseeing tomorrow?你们明天的游览计划是什么?

82. i'd like to do some sightseeing with you.我愿意同你们一起去游览。

83. how long will you stay here?你将在这儿呆多久?

84. we're le**ing for suzhou next monday.我们准备在下星期一离开这里去苏州。

85. the plane will take off at eleven.飞机十一点起飞。

86. let me help you with your case.我来帮你拿箱子吧。

87. wish you a pleasant journey!祝你旅途愉快!

88. wuxi is on the side of taihu lake.无锡位于太湖之滨。

89. wuxi lies west of shanghai and east of nanjing.无锡东邻上海,西连南京。

90. wuxi has a population of over five million.无锡有500多万人口。

91. wuxi is one of the key tourist cities in china.无锡是中国重点旅游城市之一。

92. wuxi is one of the four rice markets in china.无锡是中国四大米市之一。

93. wuxi is called "little shanghai".无锡素有“小上海”之称。

94. there are many beautiful scenic spots in wuxi.无锡有许多风景优美的地方。

95. yuantouzhu park is the most attractive place on the bank of taihu lake.鼋头渚公园是太湖最迷人的地方。

96. the grand canal runs through the city of wuxi.大运河横穿无锡城区。

97. wuxi is an industrial city with booming domestic and foreign trade.无锡是国内外**发展迅速的工业城市。

98. wuxi is a very competitive city.无锡是个很有竞争力的城市。

99. wuxi has a bright future.无锡的前景非常美好。

100. what do you think of wuxi?你对无锡的印象如何?


301.did you enter the contest?你参加比赛了吗?302.do you accept credit cards?你们收信用卡吗?303.don t cry over spilt milk 不要做无益的后悔。304.don t let chances pass by 不要让机...


1。hello,may i could i can i speak to the manager,please?sorry,he is out.oh,just a minute,he is coming.您好,请经理接 对不起,他出去了。喔,请稍等,他回来了。2。hi,nice to meet yo...


2.welcome to our school 欢迎来到我们学校!3.hello.你好。4.good morning afternoon evening 早晨好 下午好 晚上好!to meet you.见到你很高兴。to meet you,too.见到你也很高兴。are you?你好吗?thank ...