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发布 2019-12-27 15:26:28 阅读 2225

2000 passage 2

5. the grand mediocrity of today — everyone being the same in survival and number of offspring — means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper middle class india compared to the tribes.

译文】 今天这种极其显著的平均化——每个人的生存机会和子女数量都相同——意味着,与部落相比较,自然选择在印度中上阶层已经失去了80%的效力。

析句】 该句的主语是the grand mediocrity,谓语是means,其后跟着that引导的宾语从句,其中compared to the tribes是过去分词结构作状语,完整的说法是if/when it (the natural selection) is compared to the tribes。破折号中间的成分(everyone… of offspring)是插入语,其中survival和number of offspring都是介词in的宾语。

讲词】 mediocrity意为“平常,平庸”或指“平常的人,平庸的人”。其形容词是 mediocre(平庸,平凡,普通)。when something is distinctly not as good as it could be, it is mediocre.

(要是某个东西没有明显的好坏之处,那肯定是一个平庸的东西。)结合插入语(破折号里的词语),可以确定the grand mediocrity of today是指每个人的生存机会和后代的数量相同,因此这个词组可以译为“今天这种很普遍的平均化”。


6. darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they “look at an organic being as a s**age looks at a ship,as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.

”译文】 达尔文有一句话描述那些对进化一无所知的人:他们“看待有机的生命如同野人看着一艘大船,以为是某个完全不能理解的东西”。

析句】 darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution是主句,冒号后的句子是主句中a phrase的同位语。该同位语从句中的结构是a does something as b does something。注意句尾的his指代前面的a s**age。

beyond his comprehension意思是说超出了他的理解范围。

讲词】 ignorant意为“无知的,愚昧的”。例如:an ignorant mistake(愚昧的错误)。

如果表示对什么无知,需用固定搭配to be ignorant of。some people in the west are ignorant of what china is now.(西方有些人对中国的现状视而不见。

)beyond通常作介词,表示“在……以外”。the villagers asked for nothing beyond peace and quiet.(那些村民除了平安和平静外一无所求。

)注意beyond可以作名词。 sputnik is the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space.(苏联人造地球卫星是进入未知空间的第一颗人造卫星。)

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