
发布 2024-04-04 11:30:16 阅读 6893




)1、a、eleven b、twelve c、seven

)2、a、i can fly a kite .

b、i can ride a bike .

c、i can play the piano.

)3、a、what’s for dinner?

b、what’s for lunch?

c、what’s for breakfast?

)4、a、do you like bananas?

b、do you like bread?

c、do you like butter?

)5、a、it’s a nice skirt.

b、it’s a nice shirt

c、it’s a nice t-shirt.

)6、a、they are a pair of shorts.

b、they are a pair of socks.

c、they are a pair of shoes.

)7、a、my grandma is washing up .

b、my grandpa is reading news*****.

c、my grandma is mopping the floor.

)8、a、do not feed the animals .

b、do not pick the flowers .

c、do not walk on the grass.

)9、a、who’s your chinese teacher ?

b、who’s your maths teacher ?

c、who’s your english teacher ?

)10、a、it’s between the pond and garden.

b、it’s in front of the garden.

c、it’s beside the garden.



)1、a、what do you do?

b、what can you do?

c、what do you like?

)2、a、how do you come to school?

b、how many pupils come to school?.

c、how old are you ?

)3、a、who’s your music teacher?

b、who’s your chinese teacher

c、who’s your english teacher

)4、a、where do you live?

b、where do you play?

c、where do you work?

)5、a、what’s your job?

b、what’s your mother’s job

c、what’s your father’s job?


mrs white is a ( waiter,waitress). it’s (7:30,7:

40). it’s time for is wearing a (pink ,red)(shirt,skirt).she wears a (hat,cat).

she can play(tennis, basketball ).when the work finished,she often goes to the (snack bar ,tennis court). she is (kind,helpful).

i like (him,her) very she is(mopping the floor,washing up).


5分 ) )1、kitty gets up at 6:30.

)2、kitty goes to school by bike.

)3、there are seven classes today .

)4、mr brown is kitty ‘s chinese teacher

)5、kitty likes english .



)1、a、hit b、policeman c、time

)2、a、mother b、sunc、socks

)3、a、apple b、mathc、late

)4、a、ferry b、english c、egg

)5、a、foot b、schoolc、room



1、what is your1

___is a waiter.

2、 _is your mother’s job?2

she is a


lily ’s day

)1、lily gets up at 7:00am.

)2、lily has .bread for breakfast。

)3、miss chan is music teacher。

)4、lily goes home on foot.

)5、lily has dinner at 7:00pm.

人教版二年级数学下册期末模拟 二

班级姓名成绩。一 我是填空小专家。每空1分,共26分 1 一百一百地数,10个一百是 一千一千地数,10个一千是 2 老师把30块巧克力平均分给5位小朋友,每位小朋友分 块。3 电梯的升降是 现象,风车的转动是 现象。4 一个四位数,最高位是6,个位上是3,这个数写作读作。5 填上或单位。一块橡皮重...


小学语文二年级下册期末模拟卷。全卷100分,时间60分钟,书写占2分 一 基础 54分 1 你能把字抄写的又工整又美观吗?3分 摇建展茂印慌煌肯滑睡 2 看拼音,写词语。10分 n o zh np ng n iqi n 筋珠批心价。h ng ji oh n bcu 骗急严开清。3 查字典 3分 4 ...


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