
发布 2024-03-07 13:55:08 阅读 6901

一、根据汉语意思将下列单词补充完整。(16分)1. e t东边 2. n rt 北边

3. a out 关于 4. c t 城市。

5. s i 游泳 6. c i dr n 孩子们。

7. v s t 拜访 a 动物。


) 1. a. west b. eastc. fast) 2. c. china

) swimming

) 4. c. south

) 5. a. london b. the usa c. america

) 6. a. jump b.

run c. robot) 7. b.

rice c. noodles) 8. a.

orange b. head c. foot) 9.

a. homeworkb. pencil c.


going to go plane!

a. on b. with c. by

going to hainan tomorrow.

a. to b. go c. go to

book is america.

a. call b. about c. thegoing to swim the sea .

a . in b. at c. to

is the of china.

a. capital c. north

6. beijing is in the __of china.

a. south b. east c. northjump very high.

a. is b. can c. are

8. where is new york

a. it’s in the west. b. it’s in the south c. it’s in the east.

9. he riding a bike?

a. can b. are c. is

10. she wash clothes.

a. is b. can c. \

11. shanghai is a city in china.

a. west b. famous c. north12. america is also called the .

a. asu b. sau c. usa

go to beijing.

to b. going to c. goinggoing to the summer palace..

b. visiting c. visitsis going to get up 6 o’clock.

a. the b . on c. at

16. people english in england.

a. speak b. say c. talk17.--where is sanya?

---it’s the south.

a. with b . by c. in

18. my cousin, daming, in beijing.

a. live b. lives c. lived19. i __in haikou.

a. live b. lives c. lived20. -tianjin is in the north.

---beijing is in the north, .

a. of b. also c .too

四、请把下列问句与对应的答句连起来。(10分)1.can you jump i h**e.

2. what are they isatschool.

3. where is new i can’t .

4. where is samd. they’re running.

5. h**e you got a in the east.

五.找朋友,请将对应的汉语和英语相连。(10分)up a.说汉语。

chinese b.去海南。

to hainan c.起床。

the north d.在5:00

5 o’clock e.在北边。


is the capital of the usa.

think this girl is better than the first girl.

3. we are going to hainan.答案:一、s h 4. i y m 6. h e 7. i i l二、1---5 cbbba

6--9 caaa

三、1--5 ccbba

6--10 cbccb

11-15 bcbac

16-20 acbac

四、1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a五、1. c 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d六、略。评分标准:








班级姓名成绩。第一部分基础知识积累与运用 40分 一 看拼音,写词语。8分 sh n di o ju q f n b m f n ch ng ch r ngqi y o w y ng w i zh n x ng zh ng hu 二 把下列词语填完整,并选两个各写一句话。6分 和 相处受益 浅 难与...


班级姓名成绩。第一部分基础知识积累与运用 40分 一 看拼音,写词语。8分 sh n di o ju q f n b m f n ch ng ch r ngqi y o w y ng w i zh n x ng zh ng hu 二 把下列词语填完整,并选两个各写一句话。6分 和 相处受益 浅 难与...


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