四年级英语第一学期单元练习题 6 7

发布 2024-03-05 04:20:12 阅读 9232


一。 补全单词。把正确答案的编号写在相应的括号里。

( )1. g_f_ a. i...t b. a...ic. o...i

( )2. b_nk a. ab. uc. e

( )a. ab. ic. o

( )3. w_ _ld a. a…a b. a… ec. o…u

( )a. ab. uc. e


1. i’m __going /go )to h**e a bowl of noodles.

2.i’d like twocup/ cups)of tea.

3.what’s the___matter /matters), miss cow?

4.i don’tfeel/feeling) hungry, now.

5. what would youlike/likes).


a. throwing b. between c. piece d. mall

)1.--what is john doing? -he isa ball now.

( )2. -where’s grandpahe is on the __floor.

( )3. -excuse me, where’s the post office?

---it’sthe gift shop and the toy shop.

( )4. i like shopping. let’s go to the shopping

( )5. i’d like aof cake and two sandwiches.


1where is the toilet?

a. excuse me b. sorry c. thank you

2. the bookshop is __the ground floor.

a. on b. atc. in

( )3. i’d like a __of tea. a. piece b. cup c. bowl

)4. do you like sandwiches

a. yes, i do. b. yes, i am. c. no, i am not.

)5. that’s a good restaurant all of us. a. for b. to c. from

( )6. i’ m __i want to drink water. a. hungry b. thirsty c. full

7. i want __a robot. a. to buy b. buy c. buying

) 8. don't eat too much fast food . it's not good __you.

a. to b. atc. for

)9.-what would you like ? i'd like some dumplingsyou ,koko ?

a. how about b. what are c. how are

10i don't feel well.

a. what's the matter b. what's the wrong c. what's matter



a. the same to you ! b. thank you! c. happy birthday!


a. this is the bank. b. where's the bank ? c. is there a bank ?

3. 你想要表达:“它对你不好” ,你可以这样说:

a. it's not good for you. b. it's good for you. c. you can’t eat it.

( )4. 你想问妈妈:你想要买点什么? 应该怎么问?

a. do you want something? do you want , mum?

do we h**e, mum?

( )5. 快到圣诞节,你对别人祝福圣诞快乐,怎么说?

a. happy christmas day! b. happy christmas! c. merry christmas !


1. want to do what do you

2. like you what would (?

3. it's not for good you

4. drinking he's a cup coffee of

5. you don't very well look


it’s a fine sunday morning. mary’s family are all at home. look!

her father is watching tv. her mother is cooking some english food. mary is doing her homework in her room.

where is mary’s brother tim? oh, he is not in his room. tim is playing with his chinese friends in the garden.

)1 mary’s family are all at home .

)2 mary’sfather is cleaning the car.

)3 mary is watching tv in her room.

)4 tim is playing with his chinese friends.

)5 tim’s mother is cooking some english food.


一 根据中文写出单词。10分 1.操场2.二楼3.花园。4.图书馆5.在一楼6.这,这个。7.教师办公室9.美术室10.电脑室。11.教室12.教室13.语文课。14.黑板15.十四16.四十。17.作业18.19.20.紧邻。二 翻译下列句子。10分 1 教室在 在二楼。2 这是不是电脑室。不,它...


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