
发布 2024-03-04 18:30:08 阅读 9446






14.黑板15. 十四16.四十。

17.作业18.**19. **。

20. 紧邻。







)4. office

( )5. room


)1. do you h**e art room ?

a. ab. an c. the

) this the teachers’ office

isn’t. isn’t. it is

)3wheres the gym?

a. thank you. b. excuse me. c. good idea.

)4. —where is the library? -it’s __the first floor

)5. heremy homework.

a. are bc. is

)6. how many are there in your class?

a. student b. students c. book

) to theand read a book

office b .library c. garden

( )8. –welcome the library. –wow! cool.

a. to b. for c. too

)9. –do you h**e a music room

a. yes , i am b. yes, we do c. yes, it is

) our classroom.

a. am b. are c. is

( )11. this is __computer

)12.--is that your art roomno

a. it is b. it isn’t isn’t


)1 where is the art room ? a. thank you.

)2 is this the libraryb. it’s on the second floor.

)3 do you h**e an art room? c. no, it isn’t.

)4 how many books are there ? d. yes, i do.

)5 welcome to our school . e. forty-one.

六、find the mistakes and correct(在每句的错误下划线并订正)

1. is this your classroom

2. that is a teacher desk

3. this is my picture

4. yes it isn't

5. we h**e a art room

6. on the one floor


1. my , this , is , classroom (

2. is , teachers’ ,where , office, the (

3. the , on ,it , floor, is, first (

4. h**e , do , you , library, a (

5. playground , is , that , the (


hello, i’m sarah. welcome to our school. this is the teachers’ office.

that’s my classroom. there are forty-seven students in our class. the canteen(食堂) is on the first floor.

the library is on the second floor. we h**e a music room. we play on the playground.

i like our school. (classroom is on the second floor.

) is a gym in her school.

) likes her school.

)4. there are fifty-seven students in the class.

)5. sarah play on the playground.


welcome to my school. there are 30 classrooms in my school. look, this is a big playground.

in this building(大楼), you can see the music room is next to the library. the library and he art room are on the first floor. there are many storybooks and picture books in the library.

you can read books in it. this is my classroom. it’s on the second floor.

it’s big and clean. i like it.


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