第一学期六年级英语期末综合练习 三

发布 2024-03-03 11:55:08 阅读 3242


. listen and choose. 选出听到的单词或词组,并将其前面的字母标号填在题前的括号里。(10%)

. listen and tick. 听句子,在相应**下面的括号里划“√”表示。(10%)

. listen and choose. 听问句,选答语。(10%)

( )it’s more than one metre high.

b. it’s more than ten thousand li long.

c. it’s more than 5,000 years old.

)2. a. we ate in a chinese restaurant.

b. we are going to eat in an english restaurant.

c. we are going to eat at half past 11.

) he is going to go to the un building.

b. he went there by car.

c. he went there last weekend.

) yes,they do.

b. yes,she does.

c. yes,it does.

)5. a. yes, we h**e.

b. no, he doesn’t h**e it.

c. yes, she has.

iv. listen and fill in the blanks. 听录音,填上所缺单词,补全句子或对话。(10分)

a: what are you doing?

b: i’m my new stamps into my .

i likestamps a lot.

a: what’s this stamp about?

b: it’s about thanksgiving. thanksgiving is myare together.

we h**e a big , special dinner.

a: oh, it’s nice. who g**e it to you?

b: daming. he canhe has got somehe visited the unlast year.

v. listen and judge. 听短文,判断句子是否符合短文意思,符合的用“√”表示, 不符合的用“×”表示。(10%)

) 1. the letter is from daming.

) 2. laura met daming in new york.

) 3. lingling has got long , r0 ed hair.

) 4. chinese chopsticks aren’t difficultfor laura.

) 5. new york is a very big city.

writing part 笔答部分。

vi. read and choose. 读一读,选出最佳答案,将其前面的字母标号填在题前的括号里。(10%)

) 1. can you tell me __the summer palaca?

a. of b. to c. about d. in

) 2. _he got __stamps from china?

a. h**e , any b. has, any c. has, lot d. h**e, some

) 3. do you live here __are you visiting?

a. and b. all c. of d. or

) 4. -look at the building. how old is it?

--it’s __years old.

hundreds b. hundreds c. hundreds of d. hundred

) 5. we can write __lingling __chinese.

a. to, in b. to, about c. about, of d. of, in

) 6. last year i __to england.

and now i’m __english.

a. go, learning b. went, learn

c. go, learn d. went, learning

( )7. a child for eight hours a night.

a. sleeps b. sleeping c. sleep d. eat

( )8. it’s fun

a. playing football b. to play football

c. play football d. played football

) 9. she __let’s __together.

a. likes singing, sing b. like singing, sing

c. likes sings, sing d. like sings, sing

) 0. what do you say on christmas? we say __

a. thank you. b. happy new year

c. merry christmas. d. you’re welcome.

and write. 看图补全句子,每空填一个单词。(10%)

1. i’ve got some

中国筷子)2. she oftento her little brother.

读故事)3. -what are you doing?

-- i’m __my new stamps into my __

4. she cansome

5. pandas eat fora day.

12小时)vii. read and write. 按要求完成句子。(10%)

1. some / i’ve got / chinese chopsticks (连词成句)

2. tell / me / you / can / american festivals / about (连词成句)

3. make peace / the un / wants to / in the world (连词成句)

4. can i write to her? (请给出否定回答)

___you __

5. he likes painting. (就划线部分提问)

___does he like?

viii. reading. 阅读理解。(共15%)

read and judge. 读短文,用“√”判断句子是否符合短文意思。(5%)

lingling and amy are in amy’s room. amy is tidying her room. she tidies her room every day.

she thinks she can play well in a tidy room. she can’t play in a messy room. but she doesn’t often tidy her bookshelf.

so it’s very messy. she can’t find her books. lingling helps her to tidy her bookshelf.

now the books are tidy. amy will choose some books, then they will read them together.

六年级第一学期期末练习 句子综合

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作业名称 期末复习 8 综合复习。设计时间 2010年11月22号。作业目的 通过练习,巩固基础知识,强化基本计算。适用对象 全体同学。一 班级姓名学号得分填空题 每空2分,共30分 1 能同时被 整除的最小三位数是。2 若是假分数,则a可取的正整数有。5的倒数是。5 求比值 3天 18小时化简比 ...