
发布 2024-03-03 11:45:08 阅读 5411




listening. (听力部分)

一、listen and choose.听录音,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

) 1. a. watchb. washc. what

) 2. a. seeb. singc. thank

) 3. a. toothpaste b. next week c. headache

) 4. a. parkb. sharkc. short

) 5. a. on feb. 2nd b. on feb. 20th c. on feb. 12th

) 6. a. last weekend b. this weekend c. next weekend

) 7. a. wash clothes b. clean the room

c. watch tv

) 8. a. how he**y are you? b. how long are your arms?

c. how he**y are your arms?

) 9. a. did you play football last weekend?

b. did you play basketball last weekend?

c. did you play the violin last weekend?

)10. a. i am going to play football. b. i am going to play basketball.

c. i am going to play the piano

二、 listen and judge.听录音,判断句子或**是否与录音内容相符,相符的括号内打“ √不相符的打“ ×10分) 1. 2. 34. 5.

6. the cinema is not far from our school. (

7. he is younger than his brother. (

8. the tiger is running. (

9. amy ate good food in the kitchen. (

10. we are going to the zoo next weekend. (

三、listen and answer.根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出,并将其字母符号填在句前的括号里。(10分)

)1. a. yes, we did. b. no, we did. c. no, we don’t.

) 2. a. she has a cold. b. i had a fever. c. he hurts his leg.

) 3. a. he likes swimming. b. she likes i like swimming.

) 4. a. today is sunny. b. today is happy. c. today is sunday.

) 5. a. tomorrow. b. next weekc. last weekend.

四、listen and finish the sentences. 根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整,每空只填一词。(5分)

1. he is my classmate. he isand

2. i went to thewith my friend yesterday.

3. jack’s legs arethan mike’s.

4. i am going tothe room on the weekend.

5. sarah usuallyclothes after dinner.

五、listen and choose. 听读短文,根据短文给下面的问题选择正确的答案。(10分)

) 1. how old is sarah?

a. fifteenb. twelvec. ten.

) many people are there in sarah’s family?

a. fourb. fivec. six.

) 3. how many girls are there in sarah’s family?

a. threeb. fourc. five.

) 4. what does sarah’s mother do?

a. she’s a housewife. b. she’s a teacher. c. she’s a nurse.

) 5. is sarah’s father an engineer?

a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. yes, he does.

reading & writing(读写部分)

六、read and choose. 选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整,将字母编号填在横线上。(10分)

a. how can i get there? b happy birthday! c. i would.

d. i like. is the party?

the date today? g. where do you live?

ab:it’s feb. 10th . oh, it’s my birthday.

ab:thank you. we are going to h**e a birthday party at my home. would you like to come?

a: yes

b: i live in xiajiu garden.

ab:you may go by the no.6 bus or the no.

109 bus. get off at the pet shop. then call me, i’ll meet you there.

七、 read and choose. 阅读两篇短文,根据要求完成问题。(15分)

(a )mr/ brown is an englishman. he lives in london. he’s strong.

he’s 190 cm tall. he has two daughters, ann and alice. they are twins.

he likes collecting model cars. he works in a car company. so he likes ****** cars, too.

today is mr. brown’s 50th birthday. mrs.

brown is ****** a birthday cake for him. the cake looks like a little car. mr.

brown must like it very much.


) is mr. brown from?

a. he’s from china. b. he is from america. c. he is from england.

) 2. how tall is mr. brown?

a. 190 mb. 190 cm. c. 109 cm.


5 一种商品先涨价20 后又降价20 它的 没有变。6 纯小数都比1小。7 两个合数一定不互质。8 长方形和正方形都是特殊的四边形。四 选择正确的答案的序号填在 里。1 圆的半径与面积 比例。1 成正 2 成反 3 不成。2 一个油桶可以装50升汽油。我们就说这个油桶的 是50升。1 体积 2 容积...


注意事项 1 时间 120分钟。总分 120分。2 本试卷分 试题 和 答题纸 两部分,考生须将答案填写在 答题纸 上,否则视作 未答卷 处理。考试结束后,考生只交 答题纸 监考人员只装订 答题纸 原创 djm4807 山东烟台开发区教研室邓建明 djm4807 163.一 卷面书写 3分 提示 此...


注意事项 1 时间 120分钟。总分 120分。2 本试卷分 试题 和 答题纸 两部分,考生须将答案填写在 答题纸 上,否则视作 未答卷 处理。考试结束后,考生只交 答题纸 监考人员只装订 答题纸 原创 djm4807 山东烟台开发区教研室邓建明 djm4807 163.一 卷面书写 3分 提示 此...