
发布 2024-02-25 17:45:04 阅读 7515

听力部分。一. 听读音,选出正确的图画,并在括号里打“√”10分)


三. 听读音,给下列**涂上正确的颜色。(10分)

四。 听读音,给下列图画标上正确的数字序号。(10分)



( )1. a. family b. friend c. father

( )2. a. plate b. play c. player

( )3. a. math b. much c. many

( )4. a. music b. milk c. mike

( )5. a. teacher b. picture c. parents

( )6. a. phone b. photo c. people

( )7. a. on b. an c. no

( )8. a. 15 b. 50 c. 35

( )9. a. 28 b. 8 c. 18

( )10. a. bdp b. dpt c. bpd


( )1. a. a board, ten fans, many desks and chairs.

b. a pen, two erasers and a crayon.

c. a pencil-case and ten books.

( )2. a. it‘s under the desk. b. it’s on the plate.

c. it‘s in the door.

( )3. a. good job. b. all right. c. good idea.

( )4. a. no, she isn’t. b. yes, it is. c. yes, they are.

( )5. a. thank you. b. here you are. c. me too.



wele to my . look, this is my family

photo. this woman is my . she‘s a

. she likes . this is my father, he’s

a great . he likes

and . this is my sister. and this is her english, she‘s good at english. who’s this

? oh, it‘s me. i love my family. let’s make s ..


a. he‘s a driver.

b. yes, she is.

c. here you are.

d. i h**e 8.

e. he is my good friend.

( )1. who is that boy?

( )2. is she your math teacher?

( )3. how many erasers do you h**e?

( )4. can i h**e some hot dogs?

( )5. what’s your grandpa?


wele to my home. you can see two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, a study and a kitchen. my father is in the study.

he‘s a super teacher. he like sports. my mom is in the kitchen.

she’s tall and thin. she‘s a nurse. my brother is a student.

he likes painting. he’s in the living room now. i love my family.

( )1. my family has four members.

( )2. we h**e a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom, a study and a kitchen.

( )3. my father is a teacher. he likes sports.

( )4. my mother is a nurse. she has short hair, and she‘s thin.

( )5. my brother is painting now.




1、two balls are under the chair.

2、i’d like some vegetable, fish and rice.

3、my brother is a baseball player.

4、i h**e a sister. she has small eyes and big mouth.

5、pass me a fork and a knife.


1、wele to my home!

2、i h**e beef and noodles for my lu

nch.3、let me sweep the floor.

4、the dog is on the shelf.

5、i h**e fifteen friends.


1、wele to my room. this is my bed. it‘s pink.

this is my chair. it’s blue. i h**e many things on my desk.

the puter is yellow. the lamp is red. my english book is purple.


1、wele to my home.

2、my family has 5 members.

3、my parents are in the living room.

4、my father cook the dinner for me today.

5、my friend and i are in the kichen.


1、how much are the spoons? they are 30 yuan.

2、how many umbrella do you h**e? i h**e 12.

3、how many tigers can you see at the zoo? i can see 20.

4、how many farmers can you see? i can see 11.

5、how much is the story book? it‘s 15 yuan.


1、let’s look at my family photos.

2、i am a baseball player.

3、how much is the plate?

4、my mother likes music.

5、i h**e a beautiful picture in my room.

6、my phone is on the sofa.

7、she has an egg for breakfast.

8、i can see the number 50.

9、my brother is 8 years old.

10、i can read the letters bpd.


1、what‘s in your classroom?

2、where is my schoolbag?

3、our classroom is clean and nice.

4、is your pen in the pencil-case?

5、i like blue very much.

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