
发布 2024-02-09 06:15:12 阅读 9174



)1. a. tomorrow b. today c. together d. tonight

)2. a. cold b. hot c. warm d. clean

)3. a. zoo b. cinema c. street d. dog

)4. a. wash b. watch c. window d. wake

)5. a. week b. year c. time d. month


1. team bread ( 2. dish dig ( 3. cat and4. very me (

5. must under6. here ear ( 7. now know ( 8. love sun (


1. east(反义词2. leaf(复数3. left(反义词。

4. come(现在分词5. go(第三人称单数形式6. they are(缩写形式。

7. doesn’t(完全形式8. black(对应词9. for(同音词。

10. swim(现在分词11. man(复数12. sun(形容词。

13. child(复数14. drive(名词15. teach(名词)


1. he canmake)a snowman in winter.

2. mary doesn’tlike)swimming.

3. whatdo)your friend do?

4. the dog isrun)now.

5. let (i)go and see him.


1is the cinema? -it’s next to the post office.

2. i’m going to 3 o’clock.

3. the cloud comesthe vapour.

4. wait a flower to grow.

5. i like listening music.


)1. 当你问对方“雨是从**来的?”应说:

a. where does the rain from? b.

where is the rain come from? c. where does the rain come from?

)2. 当你告诉对方“我的朋友是从美国来的。”应说:

a. my friend comes from america. b.

my friend does from america. c. my friend come from america.

)3. 当你问对方“水是怎么能变成蒸汽呢?”应说:

a. how do the water become vapour? b.

how can the water become vapour? c. how is the water become vapour?

)4. 当你想知道对方明天要做什么时,应说:

a. where are you going tomorrow? b.

what are you going to do tomorrow? c. what do you do tomorrow?

)5. 当你告诉对方下周要去长城时,应说:

a. i’m going to the great wall next week. b.

i goi to the great wall next week. c. i can go to the great wall next week.

)6. 你想问小兵怎样去工作,应说:

a. how are you go to work? b. what do you go to work? c. how do you go to work?

)7. 你说:“我要坐火车去”,应说:

a. i’m going by train. b. i’m going by a train. c. i’m going by trains.

)8. 当你问同桌“刘云在哪儿”时,应说:

a. where does liu yun? b. where is liu yun? c. where do liu yun?


)1. i usually go to schoola. on foot b. on feet c. by foot

)2. we can go to the parka. by bus b. by a bus c. on bus

)3. my home is the third floor. a. in b. onc. at

)4. red light meansa. go b. wait c. stop

)5. in china, drivers drivea. on the left b. on the right c. in the middle

)6. is it herea. from far b. far away c. far from

)7. can you tell me the hospital? a. way to b. way for c. way

)8. happy birthday youa. for b. of c. to

)9. what are you going after school? a. to do b. do c. doing

)10. chen jie and her sister twins. a. are b. am c. is

)11. what your frienda. do, do b. does, do c. do, does

)12. i like stampsa. collect b. collects c. collecting

)13. does your father teach you math? a. he b. him c. his

)14. you an english teachera. are b. are c. do

)15. my uncle is actora. an b. ac. the


1. my father usually goes to work by car.(对划线部分提问)

2. the cinema is east of the hospital. (对划线部分提问)

3. my sister likes ****** kites. (对划线部分提问)

4. are you going to be an artist in the future?(作肯定回答)

5. i go to school by bike.(改为一般疑问句)


晋安实小2015 2016学年第二学期 论语 考查卷。六年 班姓名。一 单项选择题 每题 分,共 分 1 孔子的 约有多少人?a 二千 b 三千 c 四千 d 五千。2 己所不欲,勿施于人 孔子这句话的反映的 a 政论思想 b 教育思想 c 伦理道德规范 d 为人处事的标准。3 孔子最得意的 是下列...


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