
发布 2024-02-25 08:20:13 阅读 5381



1. a. cap b. card c. cake

2. a. see b. sing c. shoe. 3. a. fish b. fun c. find

4. a. summer b. supper c. sunday

5. a. 3682517 b. 3628517 c. 3652817

6. a. two new teaches b. two new udents c. two new pictures

7. a. on the floor b. under the desk c. behind the door

8. a. like singing b. make hings c. drink something

9. a. let’s go and help him.

b. let’s go and call him.

c. let’s go and see him.

10 green can speak chinese and english.

b. mrs green can speak english and chinese.

c. miss green can speak chinese and english.


1. a. it’s sunny today. b. it’s friday. c. it’s september .

2. a. hello, mike. i’m fine. b. hello, mike. nice to meet you.

c. hello, mike. how are you?

3. a. no, my english is bad. b. no, your english is good.

c. thank you.

4. a. how do you do? b. i’m all right. c. fine, thank you. and you?

5. a. they’re at school. b. jim is at home. c. they are fine.

6. a. yes, they do. b. no they don’t. c. yes, she does.

7. a. five yuan. b. half a kilo, please. c. it’s a kilo.

8. a. it’s kate. b. yes, it’s mine. c. it’s kate’s.

9. a. about fifty. b. yes, they are. c. no there aren’t.

10 a. i’m cleaning the window. b. mike is reading .

c. yes, i’m doing my homework .


are in the park. b. they are in the cinema. c. they are in the classroom.

they are white. b. they are black. c. they are brown.

they like red flowers. b. they like the white cat. c. they like the blue bird.

it’s on the wall. b. it’s on the floor. c. it’s on the desk.

reading books. b. watching tv. c. watching tv and reading books

6. a. a lot. b. very much. c. a little.

she studies

in china. b. she teaches english in


c. she’s a chinese teacher.

8. a. a glass of water. b. a cup of tea. c. a glass of milk.

9. a. two. b. only one. c. there aren’t any.

10. a. fish. b. meat. c. eggs.


1. tom and mary are

a. friends b. brother and sister c. classmates

is a lake

a. near the hill b. behind the hill c. near the school

are __people in their family.

a. four b. five c. three

doesn’t go to school. she is only __years old.

a. five b. six c. four

likesvery much.

a. football b. basketball c. swimming


it’s very nice of you to __1___to me. from your __2___i __3__ a lot about you and your school. now let me __4___you something about me and my school.

i’m __5___years old. i’ m in class four , grade one . my father is a taxi__6___

my mother is a __7___

our school is big and nice. and the __8__ and the students work __9___

please e to our school if you __10___time.


1. a. h**e b. late c. game d. same

2. a. yellow b. window c. brown d. row

thursday b. work c. forget d. bird

4. a. child b. much c. watch d. machine

5. a. begins b. makes c. buys d. le**es


1.--thank you very much for the present

a. you’re wele. b. you are all right. c. oh, dear. d. thanks.

2. –does his uncle h**e a daughter

a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. yes, he does. d. no, he don’t.

3. jim’s mother __cakes in the room now.

a. is ****** b. are ****** c. ****** d. makes

4. is mrs jackson an english teacher or a chinese teacher?

a. yes, she is. b. no, she isn’t. c. an english teacher. d. no, she doesn’t.

p>5. we teach __english. they teach___chinese.

a. our, them b. us, their c. ours, theirs d. them us

he is a worker.

a. what is he like? b. what is he?

c. how is he? d. who is she?

7. can you __it in english?

a. say b. talk c. speak d. tell

8. we usually go to school __7:3o __the morning.

a. in, at b. on, in c. at, in d. at, on

isn’t __milk __tea in the bottle.

a. any, or b. some. or c. any, and d. some, and

10. his father goes to work __

a. by a bike b. by his bike c. by bike d. ride a bike

11. there is __s ” in the word “news” .

a. a b. an c. the d. /

12. li ping __lunch at school.

a. hasn’t b. h**en’t c. don’t h**e d. doesn’t h**e

13is the meat?—it’s 10 yuan a kilo.

a. when b. how many c. how much d. which

14yes, please. i want some eggs.

a. how are you? b. how many are there?

c. can i help you ? d. can i h**e a look?

15. is the door of the classroom __or __

a. open, close b. open, closed c. opened, close d. opened, closed


one morning mr and mrs brown go shopping in their __1___in the shop they see a lot of __2___mrs brown likes them very much. she __3___a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter __4__ a sweater for mr brown. _5__ buys herself a blouse, too.

__6___about twelve o’clock, they go home .but they lose their way. mr brown __7__ over to an old man and asks,”_8___am i?

please tell me.” the old man looks __9___him and the car.” you are in your car.

, sir,” he __10___

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