
发布 2020-09-06 15:21:28 阅读 2737





i. 听辨字母(letters) (共5小题,计5分)


ii. 听音,写单词,连线 (match the pictures) (共5小题,计10分)


i iiiii. 听音, 标号(number the pictures) (共10小题,计10分)

a)听音, 根据你听到的内容给下列**标号(按a、b、c、d、e的顺序).每小题只读一遍。(答案写在答题纸上)


iv. 听音,填空(fill in the blanks)(共5小题,计5分)


i h**e a good grandfather. he has two big 21and a big 22. he has a big pair of glasses, too.

his 23is grey. his 24is round. his 25 is small.

he always plays with me. i love him very much.

v. 听音,涂色(colour the pictures) (共5小题,计5分)


vi. 听音,选择(multiple choice) (共5小题,计5分)



i. 单词(words) (共10小题,计10分)



6. i'm

7. isn't

8. let's

9. there're

10. aren't

ii. 句子(sentences) (共10小题,计10分)


11. this isdog. that'sant.

a. a, ab. a, anc. an, and. ×

12. mary is __sisteris 7 years old.

a. his, herb. my, hec. my, she

13. long time __see. how __you?

a. ×areb. no, isc. no, amd. no, are

14. it's a presentyou. happy birthdayyou.

a. to, tob. for, forc. to, for d. for, to

15. —what __are you in?

—i'm in __44.

a. class, class, gradeb. class, class, grade

c. class, class, grade d. class, class, grade


16. —are you an english boy?

a b—yes, i'm.

c d17.—what's that in english?

a b—pardon .

c—what's that in english?

—it's a doll.

d18.—what's you name?

ab—my name is ray.

c d19.—how do you do?

a b—i'm a teacher.

c d20. kate is wash her clothes at home.

a b c d

iii. 情景会话(dialogues) (共10小题,计10分)


iv. 阅读理解(reading comprehension) (共10小题,计10分)


john's father is a headmaster. his mother is a teacher. sam's uncle works in a hospital.

he is a doctor. may's aunt also works in a hospital. she is a nurse.

tom's sister is a salesgirl. she sells clothes in a shop. his father works in a factory.

he is a worker.

31. who is a headmaster?

a. john. b. john's john's mother.

32. what is john's mother?

a. a headmaster. b. a doctor. c. a teacher.

33. where does sam's uncle work?

a. in a in a factory. c. at school.

34. what is may's aunt?

a. a teacher. b. a nurse. c. a doctor.

35. tom's sister sells clothes in a shop. what is she?

a. a salesgirl. b. a student. c. a worker.

36. tom's father works in a factory. what is he?

a. an engineer. b. a worker. c. a manager.


tom: come here, jerry. look! i'm short and fat now.

jerry: ha, ha! i'm short and fat, too.

tom: we look small. how old are you, jerry?

jerry: i'm nine. how about you?

tom: i'm eight. we look like twins now!

37. tom is short and fat now.

38. jerry is not small.

39. jerry is thin.

40. tom is eight.

v. 智力测试(intelligence) (共5小题,前4题每小题1分,第5小题6分,计10分)


41. “害群之马”应译为: _

a. black horseb. black sheepc. black boy

42. she is as busy as __

a. a bird b. a bee c. a dog

43. which is the capital city of america?

a. new york. b. berlin. c. washington.

44. what figure completes the sequence?(接下来的图形应该是哪一个?)

45. how many rooms can you find? (答案圈在答题纸上)

vi. 小作文( composition) (共10分)

以“my english teacher”为题目写一篇小作文。

要求:1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范;

2. 可参考图中老师的外貌特征;

3. 不得少于40个单词;

4. 将作文写在答题纸上。





i. 听辨字母。


1. abc(a)2. mba(c)3. jdp(b)4. dbs(c)5. mnt(b)



6. owl——snake(b)7. frog——mosquito(a)

8. cat——mouse(c)9. fish——shrimp(e)

10. bird——worm(d)

iii. 听音,标号。

a) 听音,根据你听到的内容给下列**标号。

11.—which animal do you like best?

i like monkeys best. they're very funny.

12.—what would you like to drink?

—i'd like a glass of orange juice, please.

13.—help yourself to some fish.

—thank you so much.

14.—what's the time by your watch?

—it's 7 o'clock.

15.—when is children's day?

—it's on june 1st.(c,e,d,b,a)


16. no littering!17.

no smoking!18. turn left!

19. no fishing!20.


iv. 听音,填空。


i h**e a good grandfather. he has two big eyes and a big nose. he has a big pair of glasses, too.

his hair is grey. his face is round. his mouth is small.

he always plays with me. i love him very much.(21.

eyes 22. nose 23. hair 24.

face 25. mouth)

v. 听音,涂色。


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