全国小学生英语能力竞赛 四年级 功能意念和话题专项练习

发布 2020-09-08 02:08:28 阅读 3719


社会交往(social communications)



a. 熟人之间:问候方式比较随意,常用的问候语。


good morning/afternoon/evening.

-how are you?

-i'm fine, thank you. and you?

b. 陌生人之间:分正式和非正式场合。

正式:how do you do? how do you do?

nice to meet you! nice to meet you, too!



my name is jim.

i am jim.

i’m a student.

i’m from england.


this is mr./mr./miss/ ms brown.

i’d like you to meet bob.

this is my friend bob.

3)告别 (farewells )


good-bye /bye / bye--bye.

good night.

see you later/ then / tomorrow / soon.

i am sorry i h**e to go now.

h**e a good trip!

take care!

4)感谢 (thanks )


thank you (very much).

thanks a lot.

thank you for your help.

it‘s very kind/ nice of you.

回答: it’s a pleasure.

my pleasure.

that’s ok /all right.

you’re welcome.

5)道歉 (apologies)



i’ m sorry.

excuse me, please.

i beg your pardon.

i’m sorry l’ m late.

回答:that‘s ok.

it’s a1l right.

never mind.

it doesn’t matter.

6)邀请 (invitation)


wou1d you like to go for a walk?

may l invite you to dinner?

what / how about h**ing a swim?


thank you.

i’d like that, thanks.

yes, i’d love to.

that would be very nice.

否定回答:no, thank you.

it’s very nice of you, but my mother is ill.

i’d love to, but i’m afraid i h**e no time.

i’ m sorry i can’t. what about another time?

7 )请求允许 (asking for permission )

may i come in?

can / could i use your telephone?

would / do you mind if i open the window?

肯定回答: yes, please.


that’s all right.

of course, you can.

否定回答:i’ m sorry, it’s not allowed.

i’m afraid not.

you’d better not.

8)祝愿和祝贺 (expressing wishes and congratulations)


h**e a good day / time!

h**e a good journey / trip!

good luck!

enjoy yourself!

best wishes for you.

happy new year!

merry christmas!

happy birthday!


well done!

回答:thank you.

you, too.

the same to you.

9)提供帮助 (offering help)


do you want me to clean the room?

can i help you?

would you like me to help you?

what can i do for you?

let me take your bags.

肯定回答:yes, please.

yes, thanks.

thank you. that would be nice / fine.

thank you for your (the) help.

否定回答:no, thanks / thank you.

thank you all the same.

that’s very kind of you, but i can manage it myself.

10)打** (****** telephone calls )


hello! may i speak to tom?

hello! i’d like to speak to mr. green.

is that liu ying speaking?

can i le**e a message?

i‘ll call back later / again.

i’ll ring him/ her up again.

回应: hello! this is mary speaking.

hello, who is that?

hold the line, please.

just a moment, please.

hello, who’s speaking?

sorry. he /she isn’t here right now.

can i take a message?

sorry. i can’t hear you.

the line is bad / busy.

i couldn’t get through.

sorry, i’m afraid you h**e the wrong number.

11)就餐(h**ing meals)

would you like something to eat / drink?

what would you like (to h**e) ?

would you like some more fish?

help yourself to some fish.

肯定回答: yes, i’d like a drink.

i‘d like rice and chicken.

just a little, please.

can i h**e some more soup?

it’s so delicious. thank you.

i like green tea.

否定回答:no, thank you. i‘ve had enough.

i’m full, thank you

l2) 就医 (seeing the doctor)


what’s the matter?

do you h**e a fever?

how long h**e you felt like this?

it’s nothing serious.

take this medicine three times a day.

you‘ll be all right / well soon.

病人的回答: i h**e a headache / cough / fever.

i feel terrible / bad.

i don’t feel well.

i’ve got a pain here.

it hurts here.

i can’t sleep well.

(13)购物 (shopping)


can / may i help you?

what can i do for you?

how many /much would you like?

what color /size / kind would you like?

what about this one?

here’s your change.

回答: i want /i‘d like a pair of shoes.

how much is it/ are they?

may i try it on?

it’s too big /small.

sorry, it’s too expensive.

do you h**e any other colors / sizes / kinds?

two and a half kilo / pounds, please.

that’s fine. i’ll take it.


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