六年级英语上册词汇练习题 答案

发布 2024-02-17 08:20:19 阅读 9175

1 what are your _hobbies ( 爱好)?

2 this is my new __pen pal ( 笔友)。

3 does she like _singing _(唱歌)?

4 i live __居住) in changchun。

5 does your sister go _hiking ( 远足)?

6 i go to school by bike .but my brother _ goes_( go)to school on foot.

7 does your pen pal like drawing ( draw) pictures ?

8 what about going swimming ( swim) this afternoon ?

9 let’s __go _(go) together.

10 mr green _lives___live) in australia .

11 how _does ( do) he go to school ?

12 he_lives (live ) in the city .

13 what does he _like (like )

14 i _h**e __h**e ) a pen pal .

15 there __is _(be ) a stamp show on sunday .

16 can he _go __go ) with us ?

17 he likes (like)climbing the mountains, i like_ playing __play ) football.

18 my mother is a teacher .she _teaches (teach ) math.

19 what is pen pal’s _hobby_( hobby )

20 can you do word puzzles(猜字迷) ?

21 he likes cooking chinese food(做中国菜)

22 my pen pal lives in (住在)shang hai .

23 chen jie often reads stories (读故事)

24 i often play football (踢足球)

25 do you _like ( like ) fruits?

26 yes, i like ( like ) oranges very much.

27 does chen jie _like (like ) vegetables ?

yes, she likes _(like ) cabbages very much.

28 how do you _feel_(feel) ?i_don’t feel__(not) feel very well.

29 how does da ming feel (feel )?he doesn’t ( not ) feel very well.

30 they _h**e_( h**e ) a cold.

31 sarah _has (h**e ) a toothache.

32 mother gets up_( get up) at six in the morning .

i _get up_(get up ) at six thirty every morning.

33 i usually go to school by _bike__(自行车)

34 you must pay attention to the traffic lights(交通信号灯)

35 how can i get to the science museum ? turn right( 右转弯).

36 what are you going to do this weekend ?

i am going to _see a film/ see a movie/ watch a movie/ watch movies/ go to the cinema/ go to movies/ go to the theater_( 看电影).

37 if you feel cold , you should wear more clothes ( 穿多些衣服)

38 oliver is going to take a trip_tomorrow_(明天).

39 i usually go to school by _bike ( 自行车) .

40 is your father a postman_( 邮递员) ?

41 what’s your hobby ? i like swimming ( 游泳).

42 the cat is _happy ( 高兴的) with them.

43 where _does he _work ( 工作) ?

44 turn left at the bookstore_( 书店).

45 stop and wait at a red light _(灯)

46 he is a _businessman ( 商人).he often _go_( 去) to other countries.

47 they are going to _see a film_( 看电影) this evening .

48 what is your brother’s hobby_( 爱好) ?he _likes ( like ) swimming (游泳)

49 first let’s turn right , then go straight__ 直走) .

50 how can i get to the _post office_( 邮局) ?

51 she is a_worker ( work). she works (work) at a _factory_( 工厂).

52 we should _slow down ( 慢行)and _stop ( 停下) at a yellow light.

53 there is a pet _hospital_(医院) in my city.

54 where is the _science museum_(科学博物馆). it’s next to the _post office( 邮局).

55 turn left (左转弯)at the cinema (电影院).

56 how do you come to school? i come _on foot_(步行)。

57 does sarah watch tv ( watch tv ) in the evening ?

58 my brother _doesn’t do homework( do homework) on sundays .

59 zhang peng’s father often _reads (read news***** after dinner.

60 does amy often go hiking ( go hiking)

61 on the weekends i often _play ping-pong_( play ping-pong ) but my brother often _studies_( study english )

62 i’m going to _h**e art lesson_( 上美术课)

63 the museum is _next to_(紧挨着) the bookstore___书店)

64 you should _take a deep breath ( 深呼吸) when you are angry.

65 i must pay attention to the traffic lights ( 交通灯)。

66. howdoyou come to school? 你怎么来的学校?

67. howdoyou go to theusa from china?你怎么从中国到美国?— by plane .乘飞机。

68. theparkis over there .公园就在那里。

69. intheusapeople on bikes must wear the helmet.在美国人们骑自行车必须戴头盔。

70. don’tgo at theredlight!红灯时禁止通行!

71. youmust look right beforeyou cross theroad.穿过马路时你必须向右看。

72. youcansee thisontheroadin hongkong .你可以在香港看到这样的标志。

73. don’t touch thedoor.不要触摸门。

74. youcanseethisinthe subway .你可以在地铁里看到这样的标志。

75. some children in jiangxi, china, go to school by ferry every day. 中国江西的一些孩子每天乘渡轮去上学。

76. slow down and stop at a yellow light. 黄灯时减速并停下来。

77. stop and wait at a red light. 红灯时停下来并等一等。

78. go at a green light. 绿灯行。


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