
发布 2024-02-14 22:20:05 阅读 2904


name笔试部分】 mark:


)1、a. orange b. bananac. bicycle

)2、a. chairb. shipc. plane

)3、a. duckb. computer c. chicken

)4、a. drinkb. blindc. deaf

)5、a. sheep


)11、mr. green often has tea in afternoon.

a. a b. an c. the

)12、jim and ann are brother and sisterare from england.

a. they b. you c. he

)13、my uncle is a farmer. he works on a

a. hospital b. farm c. library

)14、please don’t play in the street. it is not

a. dangerous b. safec. bored

)15、please arrive atthe party will begin at ten o’clock.

a. half past ten b. a quarter past ten c. a quarter to ten

)16、simon, you h**e got a cold. yougo to see a doctor now.

a. should b. shouldn’t c. can’t

)17、next week is the holiday. wemountains in wuzhishan.

a. are going to climb b. climb c. are climbing

)18、i’m so tired. i want tonow.

a. h**e a picnic b. h**e a look c. h**e a rest

)19、- daming, pleasethe floor. it’s too dirtyall right.

a. clean b. close c. keep

)20、- how do you go to sanya

a. i go swimming b. by train c. in a boat

)21、- did you buy any fruitsyes. isome pears.

a. buy b. bought c. will buy

)22、lily is a good pupil. she islate for school.

a. often b. always c. never

)23、- do you want go to guilinguilin is a good place.

a. yes, we do b. no, we don’t c. no, thank you

)24school are you going toi’m going to haikou no. 1 middle school.

a. when b. which c. where

)25、- lingling. please come here and getthe busokay.

a. on b. to c. in


21、the box isi can take it.

22、- can you answer the questionsorry. i don’t

23、boys and girls. please the information about animals from the book.

24、my parents sometimesat the weekend.

25、- look, there are some darkin the skyyes. it’s going to rain.



a: hi, lily. how was your holiday?

b: 31

a: where did you spend your holiday?

b: 32

a: guangzhou? where is it?

b: 33 it’s in guangdong.

a: did you go with your parents?

b: no, i didn’t. 34

a: what did you do there?

b: the food in guangzhou is very delicious. 35

a: you had a good time.


海口博识梦飞秀英分校。2018 2019学年度。海口小学六年级英语科毕业测试题 name 笔试部分 mark i 选出每组中不属于同一类的词。请将正确的答案序号填写在题前括号内。1 选择填空。11 14 pleasedon 16 simon,17 18 i 19 daming,20 howdoyou...


小学英语毕业测试题。学校班级姓名。听力部分。一 听句子,找出其中所包含的主要单词或词组。将其字母标号填到题前括号内。每句连读两遍。10分 4.a.160cm b.164cm c.156cm 5.fishing fishing hiking 6.plane train subway the room ...


一 语音测试 5分 1 找出下列单词中画线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项 5分 1 a row b know c throw d how 2 a food b foot c look d good 3 a h e b face c lake d cake 4 a see b need c healt...