
发布 2024-02-14 22:10:05 阅读 2679



一、用所给词的恰当形式填空 (共 20分)

1. the red skirt is __small) than the blue one.

2. she __go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.

3. it’s children’s day. all the students are very __excite).

4. ben an benny are good at __china).

5. she wants __buy) a new pen.

6. it’s often __rain) in summer.

7. sometimes they __not h**e) lunch at home.

8. look! the bus___come).

9. he __make) many cakes for his friends yesterday.

10. _be) there any tea in the cup?

二、句型转换 (共20分)

1. she is catching insects now.(改为一般现在时)

sometimes shein the park.

2. what time is it? it’s time to h**e dinner.(改为近义句)

the time? it’s timedinner.

3. wash the clothes.(改为否定句)

___wash the clothes!

4. nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)

nancygoing to go camping.

5. the boy runs faster than the girl.(改为一般疑问句)

the boy __faster than the girl?

6. ann and lily watched a film last night.(改为现在进行时)

ann and lilya film now.

7. he came here by bike this morning.(对划线部分提问)

hehere this morning?

8. the man in blue is su yang’s uncle.(对划线部分提问)

man is su yang’s uncle?

9. she saw the beijing opera show last friday.(对划线部分提问)

shethe beijing opera show?

10. my father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)

to see a play the day after tomorrow?

三 、根据实际情况回答问题(共20分)

is the weather like today?

are you going to do this weekend?

do you do at home?

do you get up everyday?

many classes do you h**e on tuesday?


1. what’s your name

you in class that your pen?( they?( these ships?(no

五、 英汉互译。(2分)

1、 four english girls

2、that’s all right

3、excuse me






. shesee)the beijing opera show last friday

2. shesee)the beijing opera show yesterday.

3. shesee)the beijing opera show next friday

4. shesee)the beijing opera show this evening.

5. shesee)the beijing opera show now

6. shesee)the beijing opera show at 7:00.

7. she usuallysee)the beijing opera show


—she is catching insects now.

—she is going to catch insects this afternoon.

—she usually catches insects in the afternoon.

—she catched insects last weekend.


1.--when did you get up yesterday?

2.--when do you get up everyday?

3.--when will you get up tomorrow?

4.--what are you doing now?(起床)


1. my father and mothergo to see a play) the day after tomorrow.

2. my father and mother oftengo to see a play)on the weekend.

3. my father and mothergo to see a play)last weekend.

4. my father and mothergo to see a play)next weekend.


国标苏教版语文六年级毕业水平检测试题。命题 孙化化审核 时间 100分钟总分 120分 20120620 一 看拼音,写词语 10分 j li n zhu n xi di n b n sh xi s k n c d n y n ju n li n ji n mi p i hu i 二 下列加点的字在...


小学毕业水平测试。语文模拟试题。考试时间 120分钟,满分100分 一 语言积累与运用。20分 1 请用你漂亮的钢笔字,默写你喜欢的一首唐代或宋代的诗。别忘了写诗的题目。和作者。5分 2 下列音节的拼写规则完全正确的一组词语是1分 a 关切 gu n qi 引诱 y n io 杰出 ji ch b ...

2024年小学语文六年级毕业水平测试题 卷

学年度小学六年级毕业水平测试题 卷 一 看拼音,写汉字,请注意书写规范 美观。10分 2 他先是一愣,继而眼睛一亮,笑着对我说 过来,让我看看你马草。这句话对青年行了言行和神态的描写。3 森林报 是一份报纸,它用轻快的笔调,分12个月报道了森林中有趣的事情。4 舍本逐末 比喻做事抓住主要问题,而不顾...