
发布 2024-02-13 14:45:06 阅读 3392

六年级毕业试题6 满分111



例:i dropped an ice cre am(冰激凌)..

1. daming is visitimg _meric_ (美国).

2. these p_stc_ _ds (明信片) are gr_ _t(真棒).

3. i’m s_nding(邮寄) an _m_ _l (邮件) to my family in ch_n_(中国).

4. i h**e got some s_mps (邮票)from c_nad_(加拿大)。

5. they are f_m_ _s(著名的) men and women.

6. t_morr_ _明天) is flag day.

7. we carry fl_gs(国旗) and we s_ng (唱歌)songs。

8. we always h**e a spec_ _l(特殊的)m_ _饭)。

9. it’s a b_g(大的)f_mily(家庭)。

10. we are fr_ _nds(朋友).

11. pl_ _sed(高兴的) to meet you!

12. we can sp_ _k(说) english.

13. we can be my ch_nes_ (中国的)pen friend.

14. i can wr_te(写信)you.

15. i h**e got a kn-fe(小刀) and f_ _k(叉子) or chopsticks.

16. i don’t b_l_ _ve(相信) it.

17. it’s a fantastic pr_s_nt(礼物)。

18. w_lc_me(欢迎) to china.

19. they play with ch_ldr_n(小孩)。

20. there’s a p_ct_ _**) b_ _k(书 )。

21. i want to v_s_t(参观 ) the un building in new york.

22. don’t talk in the libr_r_(图书馆)。

23. i can h_lp(帮助)you.

24. please st_nd(站) in line.

25. go str_ _ght(直的) on.

26. t_ _n(转动) left. and then turn r_ght(右)。

27. don’t r_de(骑)your bicycle here.

28. be q_ _t(安静的)

29. _r_nge(桔子) is falling down.

30. i want two h_t(热的) dogs.

31. he want to dr_nk (喝 ) c_l_(可乐)。

32. tt’s thirteen doll_ _s(美元) and two c_nts(美分)。

33. we’re going to h**e a picnic in the p_ _k(公园)。

34. beijing is a b_ _tiful (漂亮的)city.

35. we’re going to eat at h_ _f(半) past twelve.

36. these d_cks(鸭子) are very hungry.

37. it’s going to sn_ _下雪 ) in harbin.

38. the sun is sh_ning(照耀)。

39. i’m m_king ( 制作 )daming’s birthday card.

40. he’s w_ _king( 步行 )to the blackb_ _d (黑板).

41. daming is h**ing a birthday p_ _ty.(聚会)。

42. it’s st_ _ting(开始) to rain.

43. the ph_n_ (** )is ringing.

44. it looks int_ _ting(有趣的)。

45. china sent aman into space in this sp_ cesh_p(宇宙飞船)。

46. russia sent the f_ _st an_m_l(动物) into space.

47. first he became a he became a t_ _kon_ _t(宇航员)。

48. she became bl_nd(盲的 )and d_ _f(聋的)。

49. helen had a t_ _cher(老师)。

50. miss wang dr_ _画)letters in helen’s hand last sunday.

51. she went all over the w_ _ld(世界)。

52. later she l_ _ned(学习) to red.

53. it’s easy to make m_st_kes(错误) with english.

54. because it’s going to r_ _n(下雨)。

55. i’m w_ _ring(穿 ) a raincoat.

56. i’m r_ _lly(真的 ) exc- ted(激动的).

57. we are going to go to middle sch_ _l(学校) this september.

58. i will m_ss (思念 ) you.

59. englishman speaks _ ngl_sh(英语) in engl_nd(英国)。



)1. lots of children __chinese inengland. a. is learning b. are learning

) cups on his heada. h**e got b. has got

) born in 1809.

)4. helen wrote a book __herself a.of b. about

) live to __87. a. is

) a model _blind people and for you and me. a is…for

) october 2003,shenzhouv__iont space with yang liwei.

) was very proud _ him. a. of

) bought a hat _ my sister.

) family_it to me.

) a kite now. flying flying

) is playing _ trumpet again. a. the

) will _ the apples. up up

) is going to _a birthday part .

) and help _.a. we b. us

) the supermarket. a. in

) looking _the window. of b. at

) the train. a. on

) birds are singing _ the tree. b. on

) duck _ hungry . b. are

) ducks _in the water. swimming swimming

) going to eat _ haft past twelve . a. at b. to

) going to h**e a picnic _ the park. b. at

) ahot dog. it _ good. a. look b. looks

) want _ to guilin. a. to go b. go

) flags from all around the world. a. are b. is

) want to bring _ the world. to b. peace

)27. do you want to see my photos? _a. yes, i’d love to b. no, i don’t

) often play _ dolls . a. with b. in

) you like _ books now ?yes,of course.

) like noodles. a. don’t b. doesn’t

) snakes like music?__a. yes , they do . b. no, it don’t

) me _ about the great wall. b .more

) you write emails ?—a。yes, i am. can’t

) got a postcard _ new york.

) f**ourite festival ?

) you tell me more _ american festival,simon?

六年级 外研版 英语毕业考试模拟卷

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