
发布 2024-02-13 13:35:04 阅读 4885


1.关于你的一切 elephant from africa

2.去年暑假 some boats

3.在黑板的前面 to the beaches

4.唱一首法语歌 in the blue sky

5.完成你的家作 away from the building.__


brother h___a chat with his parents last night.

the nfrom ten to thirty.

a polular holiday in the on the 25th of december.

like reading a i can la lot from it.

are r___hungry eat so fast ,please.


) are you from?i’m from .

uk usa

) shape is the sandwich?

rectangle circle ********

) 3.—you are late

you. me c. i’m sorry

) usually dress up in costumes and wear masks,then go to a

holiday is it? festival c. eater

) the summer holiday,we often go to school in

a. september b .february c. december

) 6. it’s cold and rainy should take

calculator umbrella comb

) 160i can jump 4 __

)8is your grandma? the older woman.

which c. where

) is an english lives inwith his family.

york )10. -i’ve got a backache

a good idea!

sorry to hear that.


a:hello, 1


a:hi,this is helen speaking.

b:no,i’m busy.

a: 3 b:i’m ****** a halloween card.

a: 4 b:not yet. 5

a:i’ll show you. 6 ?

b:all you.


a:excuse me,whatis it today?

b:it’s may 26,2008.

a:wow,beijing olympic games issoon.

it ‘s on august 8, thepeople are very __

are differentwhat do you like?

a:i likeliu xiang is my f**ourite star.

so i run __than you.

b:that’s like fuwa very animal is jingjing?

a:let me a

b:you’re thelike in beijing in summer?

a:perhaps it will be veryand dry.

b:what should we do?

a:we canenglish we can __the people from different countries to find the right places if they don’tthe way.

b:and we canthem how to taste chinese food at the restaurants.

they are very delicious.

a:great!let them loveone world one dream” i hope my dream will come true.



---whichdo you like

---i likebecause it’s cool and sunny. i canwith my


---what’s thei’m noti’m notat english.--don’t __doexercise.


---what are youto doday?

---i’mto give my storybooks to thein sichuan.


is theit’smy


---where __you ai __on nanjing __


---what dodo on newday?

---they go totogether.


a:hello, lin tao.

b:hello, jim. are you going 1 ?

a:yes. 2 you like to go to my home?

b:is your father 3 home?

a:no. he is 4 now. it’s only 3 o’clock.

b:ok. let’s go. how many 5 are 6 in your family, jim?

a:there are 7 . my father, my mother, my sister and this is my house.

b:there are many flowers 8 your house.


2010年小升初模拟考试题 1 一 积累与运用。35分 1 读拼音写词语。6分 m li n h i s o j ng t l i zhu x ch w ng w i 2 改正下列词语中的错别字,把正确的写在括号里。4分 坚苦奋斗 成上启下 直之不理 应接不瑕 穿流不息 粉装玉砌 童心协力 喜出忘外...


c 黄山美景不仅闻名全国,而且享誉世界。d 关注野生动物的生存权,是很多国家动物保 中的重要内容。5 下面的成语各运用了哪些修辞手法?请分类写下来。只写序号 4分 骨瘦如柴 千钧一发 莺歌燕舞 冷若冰霜 垂涎三尺 争奇斗艳 归心似箭 怒发冲冠。6 用一句话概括从下面材料中得到的启迪。2分 猫头鹰的样...


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