
发布 2024-01-24 21:05:05 阅读 4152



my birthday

last sunday is my birthday. i had a birthday party at home. i had fun with my friends.

we sang songs, played games and ate some tasty food. after that, we cleaned the room. i swept the floor.

tom cleaned the table. lisa cleaned the windows. we were tired but we were happy.


dear lisa,how are you? i was busy with my family yesterday. my mother cooked dinner.

my father washed his car. my brother played with the kitten. i cleaned the room.

we were very busy. how about you?

yours,xiao hong

三、以a happy day为题目,用不少于六个句子分享一下今年的六一儿童节你是怎么度过的?

a happy day

i had a happy day this children’s day. first, i had fun with friends in the morning. next, i went to the park with my mother in the afternoon.

after that, we went to the kfc. then, we went shopping. i was very happy.


summer holiday

summer holiday is coming. i am going to go on vacation with my family. i am going to play with my friends.

i am going to read some books. i am going to helped my mother do some housework. i will be happy.


my hometown

my hometown is in jiangmen. the weather is good in jiangmen. there are many trees and flowers in jiangmen.

they are very nice. the food is tasty in jiangmen. i like jiangmen.

i love my hometown.


my friend

jenny is my good friend. she eats two apples and drinks two glasses of milk a day. she eats plenty of vegetables.

she goes jogging in the morning. she plays ping pong with friends in the evening. she is healthy.

七、用being helpful写一篇想象作文。

being helpful

xiao hua is my good friend. he is a helpful boy. he often helps his mother do the housework.

he often helps us clean the classroom. he often helps the old man cross the street. i am proud of you.


going green

before, there were many animals, plants and trees in the forest. but the, people cut down the tree. animals left or died.

what should we do? we should plant trees to clean the air. we should s**e water.

we should clean up trash and throw trash in the bin.

九、围绕traffic light展开想象写一篇小作文。

traffic light

traffic lights h**e three colors. we must stop at the red light. we must not cross the road.

we can go at the green light. we can walk across the street. we should wait at the yellow light.


a: doctor.

b: what’s wrong with you, tony?

a: i h**e a stomachache.

b: what do you h**e?

a: i drink too much cola.

b: that is bad for you.

a: what else is bad for me?

b: too much junk food.

a: what’s good for me?

b: get plenty of exercise, eat plenty of vegetables and drink a lot of water. now, you should take some medicine and stay in bed.

a: thank you, doctor.

b: you’re welcome.


1 给加点字选择正确读音,用 标出。羹汤 g ng g n 涕泪 t d 喷香 p n p n 徘徊 hu hu i 夹衣 ji ji 无赖 l i n i 概括 g i k i 教训 x n sh n 挨个儿 i i 2 给多音字组词。m 摩平h 迷糊 z i 载重 摩糊载。m 摩擦h 糊弄 z ...


第十六课青春起跑线。教学目的。1.通过学习和讨论,了解在青春期生理上和心理上的变化,接受自我。2.正确对待青春期的变化,懂得如何健康成长。重难点。克服害羞心理,正确对待青春期。教学过程。一 游戏导入。二 发现自己身体上和心理上的变化 学生讨论。1.进入六年级以来,身体上发生了哪些变化?2.这些变化带...


小插曲。我神采奕奕地走在路上,一边走着,一边在心里想着 待会儿买什么好吃的呢?我很快地走到了店里,对老板说 来个饼。老板麻利地做好了,香味让人直流口水。我又说道 再给我瓶牛奶。买好后,我吃了一口,问老板一共多少钱?老板答道 六元。我把手伸进口袋里掏钱 钱呢?我感到疑惑不解。我立马仔仔细细地回想一遍,...