
发布 2023-12-09 00:30:10 阅读 6434


.749保留两个有效数字的结果是( )19.973保留三个有效数字的结果是( )

2、近似数5.3万精确到( )位,有( )个有效数字。

3、用科学计数法表示459600,保留两个有效数字的结果为( )

4、近似数2.67×10的四次方有( )有效数字,精确到( )位。

5、把234.0615四舍五入,使他精确到千分位,那么近似数是( )它有( )个有效数字。

6、近似数4.31×10的四次方精确到( )位,有( )个有效数字,它们是( )

7. 由四舍五入得到的近似数0.600的有效数字是 (

a. 1个 b. 2个 c. 3个 d. 4个

8. 用四舍五入法取近似值,3.1415926精确到百分位的近似值是精确到千分位近似值是。

9. 用四舍五入法取近似值,0.01249精确到0.001的近似数是保留三个有效数字的近似数是。

10. 用四舍五入法取近似值,396.7精确到十位的近似数是保留两个有效数字的近似数是。

11. 用四舍五入法得到的近似值0.380精确到___位,48.68万精确到___位。


65.7 ;②0.0407;③1.60;④4000万;⑤3.04千万;⑥7.56×10的二次方。








英语部分】训练a. what’s a white lie

mary did not understand such sentences as “she is blue today,” he has a green thumb,” he has told a little white lie” and so on. and she went to her teacher for help.

mary: mrs smith, there is a colour in each of these sentences. what do they mean?

mrs smith: in everyday english, mary, blue sometimes means sad. yellow… afraid.

a person with a green thumb grows plants well. and a white lie is not a bad one.

mary: would you give me an example for “a white lie?

mrs smith: certainly, now i give you some cakes. in fact you don’t like it, but you won’t say it.

instead, you say, “no, thanks, i’m not hungry.” that’s a white lie.

1. blue sometimes means sad in __english.

a. good b. spoken c. usual d. poor

2. i don’t h**e a green thumb, so all my plants___

a. die off b. grow well c. look nice d. are good

3. tom is __to climb the tree. he is yellow.

a. happy b. clever c. glad d. afraid

4. he didn’t like me to know the __of the accident. he told me a white lie.

a. reason b. true story c. meaning d. answer

5. he is __today because his father is ill.

a. blue b. yellow c. green d. white

b. what is the best way?

what is the best way to learn a foreign language? we all remember that we learnt __1__ language well when were children. if we can learn __2__ second language in the __3__ way, it won’t seem so difficult.

think of what a small child __4__.it listens to what people say and it __5__ to imitate what it hears. when it wants something, it has to ask __6__ it.

in __7__,it is using the language. it is talking in it __8__ the time. _9__ people use a second language like this, they will learn it more __10__ than before.

1. a. ourselves b. own c. our own d. ours

2. a. the b. a c. an d. /

3. a. other b. same c. different d. easy

4. a. does b. do c. did d. doing

5. a. want b. tries c. needed d. doing

6. a. for b. on c. about d. with

7. a. time b. trouble c. fact d. danger

8. a. in b. all c. for d. on

9. a. whether b. before c. ifd. until

10. a. best b. quickly c. slowly d. easy


2.千 23.4.6×10的5次方。

4.3 百。

6. 百7. c

11. 千分,百。

12.①十分位 3个;②万分位 3个③百分位 3个④万位 4个;⑤十万位 3个;⑥个位 3个。

13.①60290(保留两个有效数字) 6.0×10的四次方。

0.03057(保留三个有效数字) 3.06×10的负二次方。

2345000(精确到万位) 2.35×10的6次方。

34.4972(精确到0.01) 约等于34.50 用科学记数法是3.450×10


15. 1.0×10的6次方个 1.0×10的3次方千米。

英语部分】训练 a).b).


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