
发布 2023-12-03 21:10:06 阅读 7968


eventually终于ad.=finally, ultimately, in the end, at last

extent程度n.=degree, range, scope, dimension

indicate表明v.=show, signify, reveal

raise提升抚养v.=elevate, lift, heighten, bring up, breed

smart聪明精美a.=clever, bright, elegant

achieve完成达到v.=reach, attain, accomplish

appeal呼吁v.吸引力n.=request, attraction

display展示 =show, exhibit, demonstrate

essential本质的必要的a.=vital, crucial, critical, indispensable, fundamental

proceed继续下去v.=continue, go on

reduce减少v.=decrease, lessen, diminish

replace替换v.=substitute, displace, change

sense感觉n.意识到v.=feel, understand, realize

shift转换n. v.=change, alter, vary, convert, transform, switch, modify

supply供给n. v.=stock, provide, furnish, feed

clumsy愚笨的a.=awkward, unskillful

doubtful怀疑的a.=suspicious, questionable, suspect, uncertain

incredibly难以置信地ad.=unbelievably, unlikely

protect保护v.=defend, guard, shelter, shield, preserve


naturally自然地ad.=certainly, surely, indeed反义artificially人工地。

personnel全体人员n.=staff, faculty, crew, workers

properly适当正确地ad.=appropriately, suitably, correctly

widen扩大v.=broaden, enlarge, extend, expand, stretch反义narrow缩小。

derive获取v.=obtain, gain, get;

derive from源于=originate from, stem from, come from

diversity多样性n.=variety, multiplicity, difference

narrow狭窄的a.缩小v.=limited, restricted, tighten(narrow down)

respect尊敬v.=honor, regard, admire

recruit征募v.=enroll, enlist

unsure不确定的a.=uncertain, doubtful, yet to be proved, possible

communicate交流v.=convey, transmit, inform

completely完全彻底地ad.=entirely, utterly, fully, altogether, thoroughly, absolutely, perfectly, totally

aspect方面外观n.=appearance, look, view

character性格品质n.=quality, personality, nature

total总体 overall, sum up(反义词partial部分的a.)

unconscious无意识的a.=unaware, absent-minded, unintentional

analyze分析研究v.=evaluate, study

contribute贡献v.=donate, provide, give

describe描述v.=portray, represent, picture

establish建立v.=construct, found, erect, build, set up

profession职业,行业n.=occupation, career, trade

mission任务,使团n.=assignment, duty, task

performance表演,业绩,执行n.=act, achievement, accomplishment

especially尤其特别,专门ad.=particularly, primarily, chiefly

remarkably显著非凡地ad.=extraordinarily, unusually, surprisingly

enhance提高,增强v.=increase, improve, raise

hinder阻碍v.=prevent, restrain, stop

require需要,规定v.=command, demand, ask

urge催促,主张v.=push, drive, insist

enormous巨大的a.=huge, vast, great


aa range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of一系列。

accelerate=speed up加速。

accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成。

accomplish=achieve (v)完成,达成,成就。

attend=participate in 参加。

achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得。

目的。aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调

attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,想要作。

approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约。

as a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而。

associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联。

attach to=connect to=link to与……相连接、附着在……上。

at will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地。

bbe similar to=closely resembled =h**e something in common 相似。

be used to=be devoted to专门用于。

be equivalent to=be equal to 等同于。

be taken aback=be surprised 吃惊。

ccalculate=measure 衡量。

catch up with=keep pace with跟上步伐。


chronic=long term 慢性病的。

concern n. =focus关心的问题。

concept =conception=notion=idea=understanding概念、理解。

confront=encounter=in the face of面临。

consist of=comprise由什么组成。

contribute to=result in=lead to=link to=responsible for导致。

cooperate with=work with 与……协作。

convert to=turn into 转为、转变为。

ddistract from= can not concentrate 使精力分散。

diminish=decrease=shrink 减少。


distinct variety of =different kind of=separate kind of不同的。

due to=because of由于。


eendanger=threaten 威胁。

engage in=participate in=join in 参与。

establish=set up建立。


emphasize=stress 强调 (v)

embark upon=start=launch开始。


exceptional=extremely 特别(特别好)

ffail to do=failure to do=can not do没有能够做。




finance=sponsor=fund 提供赞助(金钱)

free=release=set free释放。

frequently=often 经常。

ggreat milestone=impact=effect=influence对……具有很重要的影响力。



hhalt=stop=hamper(v.) 阻止、使停滞。

hurdle=barrier(n.) 阻碍。


synonyms 同义词 严格,严厉。居住。障碍,阻碍,困难。包含,包括。使 减轻困难,使 便利。收获。之前的。具体的,详细的。最终的,根本的。增强,提高。能力。12.able capable competent adept proficient有能力的。类别。招募,录用。15.comprehens...

同义词替换 一

僵硬的,一成不变的。重要的,值得关注的 enormous庞大的 tremendous极大的,强烈的,极好的 appreciably明显的 remarkable出色的,令人惊讶的 crucial至关重要的 substantial客观的,重要的,丰盛的,真实的。将近 nearly,almost 部分,比...


1.think认为,思考 take.into consideration,consider,ponder,meditate,contemplate,think over,reflect on upon.2.decide 断定 come to the conclusion,arrive at the ...