
发布 2023-12-03 13:10:01 阅读 2091


1. a bit, a little

a bit 一点儿,与a little同义,而a little可作adj.,直接修饰不可数名词,但a bit不能作adj.,后须加of+不可数名词。

特别提醒;not a bit与not a little意思正好相反。not a bit 一点也不;not a little 非常,很。


-would you like some more teaplease.

a. no more b. just a little c. i've had enough d. yes, i would

2. accept, receive



特别提醒:receive 也可作“接见、接待”讲。


before building a house, you will h**e to __the government' s permission.

a. get from b. follow c. receive d. ask for

3. act, action

这两个词都有“活动”的意思,但act指具体的行为,短暂而简单的行动,着重效果;action指抽象的行为,持续而复杂的行为,着重行为的过程及作用;action作可数名词时,意义与act一样;a kind of act( action),一个仁慈的举动。但在某些固定结构中,两者不能换用。eg:

take an action.


1)let's see how they take __next.

2) we caught him in the very __of stealing.

3)__speaks louder than words.

4) it was your __and you must accept.

4. actual, real, true

这一组词都表示“真正的”,但有细微的区别。actual“真实的,实际的”,指事实上存在,并非虚构的事物;real“真正的”,指名符其实的,表里一致或客观上确实存在的人或物,其反义词是unreal; true“真实的,真正的”,指和实际情况完全一致,可与real互换,其反义词是false或untrue, true可作表语和定语。特别提醒:


考题:用actual, real或true填空。

1)what you h**e said is not __2) is your ring___gold?

3) the __amount was only$10.(4) this picture is __to life.

5)is it __that you are going to rome?(6) can you give me the __figures?

5. address, speech, lecture, talk



考题:用address, speech, lecture或talk填空。

1) the president g**e an important __to the nation.

2) the professor offered a___on atom.(3) he made a moving __to his workers.

4) let's h**e a free __

6. affair, thing, matter, business, event

affair意为“事情”、“事件”,含义较广,泛指已做或待做的事。复数affairs一般指商业事务及**的日常事务,如财政管理、外交事务等;thing意为“事情”、“事物”,不管大事小事、好事坏事均可称thing,一般不能专指事物;thing的复数形式things可作“形势”解;matter意为“事件”、“事故”,系普通用语,常指需要考虑和处理的事情,而不强调行动,matter作“物质”解时,是不可数名词。event多指大事件,如main events of the day/year当天当年的大事。

特别提醒;(1)“做几件事”应该说do a few things,而不说do a few matters;“这是我的事”应该说it's my affair/business,而不说it' s my matter. (2)口语中,be the matter和be wrong意思相同,表示“不正常或有毛病”。(3) business作“事务”、“事情”解时,不能用复数形式,常常指所指派的任务、职责,有时说的是指派的工作或商业上的买卖活动等。

与business常用的短语有in business经商;on business有事,因公等。

考题:用affair, business, event和thing的适当形式填空。

1)what were __like in beijing before liberation?

2) what were the chief __of last year?(3) are you here on __or for pleasure?

4) the president is kept busy with __of the state.

7. a great many(of) ,a lot of, plenty of

1) a great many意为“许多;相当多”,也可写成a good many,直接修饰复数名词,其后不能用of;如果指“…一之中的许多……”用“a great many of十名词或代词,其中的名词是特指的。表“许多”概念修饰名词时,a great many后不需要of;若修饰代词,则常加of; (2)后接可数名词:a great( good )many; a large(great) number of; many; scores of; dozens of; (3)后接不可数名词:

a great (good) deal of; much; (4)后接可数或不可数名词:plenty of; a lot of=lots of .特别提醒:

a lot of, plenty of多用于肯定句中,否定句中可用many, much替换。


1)on our way to the hotel, i asked him __questions.

2) it seems that __them are out of work now.

3) we had plenty of ***** but not __ink.

a. many b. much c. a lot of d. plenty of

4) _doctors will be sent to the flooded areas soon.

a. a great deal of b. a great many of c. a great many d. much

5) philip found that there were a great many of people already there.(改错)

8. alive, living, lively, live

alive:意为“活着的”,“在世的”,是表语形容词,既可指人,也可指物,在句中可以作表语,后置定语,宾语或主语的补足语;living多用于前置定语;live [ laiv ]“活着的”,是表语形容词,可修饰人、物,此外,还可表示“现场直播的,实况的”;lively:“有生气的,生动的,活泼的”,与生死无关,可作定语、表语、补语。

9. all together, altogether

all together adv.意思是“每一个人(或物)都……;一起来……”强调群体中的每一位都……,可指人和事物;altogether adv. 1) in all; entirely; wholly总计,总共。

例如:there are ten people altogether.总共有十个人。2 ) on the whole; considering everything总而言之,总之。

例如:altogether, our achievements are very great.总之,我们的成就是很大的。用作此意时常放在句首,并与主句用逗号分开。


all together意为 “一起”的意思,也可以表示“总共”。

考题:用altogether和all together填空。

1) the house was __destroyed by the fire.

2) i h**e put the books __in the schoolbag.

3) _the children h**e done very well.


普特英语网。1 angle,corner 这两个名词都有 角 之意。angle 几何学上的用词,指两条直线相交而成的角。也可引申指看问题的方面或角度。corner 多指物体的棱角或房间 街道的角落。2 angry,indignant,mad 这些形容词均有 发怒的,愤怒的 之意。angry 侧重以愤...


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英语常见同义词辨析 18

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