
发布 2023-12-03 05:59:11 阅读 2395

1、from what i h**e mentioned above, we can see clearly thatviolence on tvhas great influence onyoungsters' beh**ior. 从上面我所提到的,我们可以清楚地看到,电视暴力对青少年的影响是极其深远的。(11月25日)

注释:youngster 可以表示儿童,少年,年轻人等;from what i h**e mentioned above, we can see clearly that...这个句型非常常用,望熟记。

from what i h**e mentioned above 也可以说成 just as i mentioned / said before

2、contrary to popular belief, car-racing is an extremely safe sport. 许多人都误解了,赛车其实是一项非常安全的运动。(11月26日)

注释:contray to popular belief表示与大众的普遍认知有所不同的是。与大家的看法想法有别的是。

belief 一词非常好用,但是大家日常在行文时,总是记得用 believe,而忽视了名词形式的 belief,用好后者,就是一个成熟写作者的体现。我们常用的相关词组还有:in the belief that...

认定,相信。there is a general / widely-held belief that...大家普遍认为。

has grown beyond belief.(.已经达到令人难以置信的程度/地步);to the best of my belief / knowledge(就我所知);.

is based on the belief that...是基于。的想法)

3、the bright colorsgive them an obvious edge overtheir dozens of bike-sharing rivals. 其明亮的色彩赋予其明显优于其他几十家共享单车公司的优势。(11月27日)

注释:edge有一个很重要的意思,相当于 advantage优势的意思;give sb an obvious edge over 的意思是“赋予某人明显优于他人的优势”;常用的搭配还有:h**e the edge over / on sb 表示略胜某人一筹;

举例:the next version of the software will h**e the edge over its competitors. 下个版本的软件将具有优于其竞争对象的优势。

it's easy to gain an edge, but it's much harder to maintain it. 获得优势容易,保持优势难。fluent english is her edge.

能讲流利的英语是她的优势。或者也可以说:speaking fluent english is her absolute edge.

能讲流利英语是她的绝对优势。when it comes to job seeking, experience is an absolute edge. 说到找工作啊,经验是绝对优。

thanks to her poor management, the company lost its competitive edge. 优于管理不善,该公司失去了竞争优势。

4、public attitudes towardsmarriageh**e shiftedover the past 30 years. 30年来,公众对婚姻的态度已经改变。(11月28日)

注释:注意句型public attitudes towards ..h**e shifted over the past ..


重点关注 shift 一词的使用,这个词是 change 的高级替换,当你想表达观点,倾向,聚焦点等的变化,可以考虑用 shift;举例:opinion vary, and it is hard for people to shift their ground. 不同的人有不同的观点,改变观点是一件很难的事情。

(这里的 shift one's ground 的意思是“改变立场”)the social media has shifted the emphasis away from the child abuse at beijing kindergarten. 社交**不再把重点放在背景某幼儿园的虐童事件上。(注意:

shift the emphasis away from 表示把关注焦点从。转移开,不再把重点放在。上)

5、all human historyamounts toless than an eye-blinkin thespanof our planet. 人类的全部历史放在我们这个星球的历史长河中则显得渺不足道。(11月29日)

注释:注意词汇amount to的使用,意思是“相当于,等同”;less than an eye-blink 意思是“比一眨眼功夫还短”,这让我想起另一个词汇in the blink of an eye 眨眼间,举例:three years has passed in the blink of an eye.

三年的时间转瞬即逝。;span的意思是持续时间,比如:a span of six years 表示“六年之久”,attention span 表示“注意力持续时间”;within a specific time span 表示“在规定期限内”)

我们再举几个例子来体会下 amount to 一词的使用:(1)wasting others' time amounts to homicide. 浪费别人的时间等于谋财害命。

(2)english learning materials abound everywhere, but owning themdoesn't amount to mastery of english. 现在英语学习资源随处可见,但拥有很多英语学习材料不等于掌握了英语。(3)her answer amounted to a complete refusal.

她的答复等于完全拒绝。(4)yourchildish beh**iors amount to an announcement of giving up. 你幼稚的行为等于宣告了你的放弃。

6、the closertwo people are ——in age, in background, in the process of identification——the morethere’s a danger of envy. 两个人在年龄,背景,认知方面越相近,就越有可能产生嫉妒心。(11月30日)

注释:注意句型 “比较级。比较级。


这句话可以用在很多场合,比如,the closer two people are——in age, in background, in the process of identification——the more there’s a danger of envy, which is why none of you should ever go to a school reunion.两个人在年龄,背景,认知方面越相近,就越有可能产生嫉妒心,这就是为什么你们不该去同学聚会的原因。比如,the closer two people are——in age, in background, in the process ofidentification——the more there’s a danger of envy, which is why you two h**e quarrels at times.


关于比较级并列的句子,我再举几个:the more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. 这件事她越想越感到沮丧。

the less said about the whole thing, the happier i’ll be. 对这整件事谈得越少,我越高兴。the more efforts you put into your work, the more chances will be**ailable for you.


7、we shouldconsider this in the context of the bigger picture:preschool educationis in desperate need ofreform. 我们应该着眼更大的背景来考虑这个问题:


注释:重点关注consider sth in the context of the bigger picture 在更大的背景下考虑某问题;be in desperate need of sth表示迫切需要。非常需要。


前一个表达来自“the big picture”这一词组,它表示“大局,全局”,例如:right now forget the details and take a look at the big picture. 现在先别管细节问题,先通观全局。

he always sees things in the big picture. 他总是很有大局观念。


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