
发布 2023-12-02 20:39:06 阅读 7742

句子:1. as a popular saying goes,” everything has two sides”.


2. any government, which is blind to this point may pay a he**y price.


3. in view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


4. this is a matter of life and death-a matter no country can afford to ignore.


5. many experts point out that, along with the development of modern society, it is an inevitable result and there is no way to **oid it.


6. so precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.


7. no invention has received more praise and abuse than internet.



1. modernization program 现代化建设。

2. around the corner 迫在眉睫。

3. sth. h**e gone bad to worse 每况愈下。

4. be linked to …与……有关。

5. quite a few 相当多。

6. sth. h**e worsened sth. …使……恶化。

7. at the mere mention of 一提到。

8. it is disputable that… 无可争辩……

9. although this view is widely held, this is little evidence that...


10. in fact, we h**e to admit the face that…


11. we should spare no effort to the… 我们应该不遗余力地……

12. this view is now being questioned by more and more people.


13. despite many obvious advantages of …,it is not without its problem.


14. keep a f**orable position in… 在……上保持优势。

15. as for me, i’m firmly convinced that… 就我而言,我坚定地认为……

16. it is suggested that governments ought to make efforts to


17. in conclusion, we must take into account this problem rationally and place more emphasize on…


18. need sth. more than ever 比任何时候都需要某事。

19. there is no one but longs to… 人们都希望……

20. we should bring home to people the value of doing sth.



1: help

典型例句:i"ll help you 。

替代语 accommodate/assist/ **ail

i"ll ende**our to accomodate you。

2: helpful

典型例句:sth is helpful (to sb)

替代语 conducive/ time-honored 时代赋予的/ do credit to our forbears 继承先辈的优秀传统/ assisting

sth is conducive to sb

3: show

典型例句:as it shows in the picture

替代语 betray

4: think

典型例句: i think


5: ugly

典型例句: *** is ugly

替代语 hideous

6: by the way

典型例句: by the way,..

替代语 incidentally...

7: because

典型例句: *** because ***

替代语 in that/in as much as *** because ***

8: consider

典型例句: we must consider ***

替代语 allow for : we must allow for ***

9: much

典型例句: there has been a much increase in the world population

替代语 there has been a drastic increase in the --

10: about

典型例句:it is about 250 times of that

替代语 it is approximately --

11: buy




a、认为(尽量避免的表达,以下例句同,不再重复说明:i think/i believe/as far as i am concerned)

1.别人认为:assume, argue, contend, maitain, hold the perspective that…

2.我认为: i am inclined to the view that…(开头引入自己观点)

convinced that…

i aware that… (比较弱)

i cling to a belief that…

b、不同人有不同看法(different people h**e different opinions)

people’s perspective diverge on this controversial issue.

there is no consensus among people concerning this controversial issue.

c、举例(for example/for instance/let me give you an example)

fitting/ telling/ apt/ striking example is that…

case in point is that…(口语常用)

lending credence to my position is the example of …(倒装)

can be aptly/ well exemplified and illustrated by the case of+n.

the fact that + 句子。

the following case

can think of no better illustration than the example of…, who….(最高级)

it comes to music talent, eminent individuals ranging from mozart to beethvoen come immediately to me. (此处也是细节)

illustrate this, we need no look further than the case of……(举例)

visualize/ picture/ suppose……


i am invariably fascinated/ captivated/ enchanted with/ by…

hardly can i resist the temptation of sth.

be obsessed with/by …


statistic figures show/ manifest that…

.many surveys/ investigations 显示 that 越来越多的 universities h**e 重视 the credit system, which peobably would 带来不好的呃影像。(中文从一下中选词)


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