
发布 2023-11-13 17:52:11 阅读 3499


肯定:i am rich.

否定:i am not rich.

疑问:are you rich?

过去时。肯定:i was rich.

否定:i was not rich.

疑问:were you rich?

将来时。肯定:i will be rich.

否定:i will not be rich.

疑问:will you be rich?


肯定:i would be rich.

否定:i would not be rich.

疑问:would you be rich?

现在时。肯定:he is rich.

否定:he is not rich.

疑问:is he rich?

过去时。肯定:he was rich.

否定:he was not rich.

疑问:was he rich?

将来时。肯定:he will be rich.

否定:he will not be rich.

疑问:will he be rich?


肯定:he would be rich.

否定:he would not be rich.

疑问:would he be rich?

现在时。肯定:she is rich.

否定:she is not rich.

疑问:is she rich?

过去时。肯定:she was rich.

否定:she was not rich.

疑问:was she rich?

将来时。肯定:she will be rich.

否定:she will not be rich.

疑问:will she be rich?


肯定:she would be rich.

否定:she would not be rich.

疑问:would she be rich?

现在时。肯定:we are rich.

否定:we are not rich.

疑问:are you rich?

过去时。肯定:we were rich.

否定:we were not rich.

疑问:were you rich?

将来时。肯定:we will be rich.

否定:we will not be rich.

疑问:will you be rich?


肯定:we would be rich.

否定:we would not be rich.

疑问:would you be rich?

现在时。肯定:you are rich.

否定:you are not rich.

疑问:are you rich?

过去时。肯定:you were rich.

否定:you were not rich.

疑问:were you rich?

将来时。肯定:you will be rich.

否定:you will not be rich.

疑问:will you be rich?


肯定:you would be rich.

否定:you would not be rich.

疑问:would you be rich?

现在时。肯定:they are rich.

否定:they are not rich.

疑问:are they rich?

过去时。肯定:they were rich.

否定:they were not rich.

疑问:were they rich?

将来时。肯定:they will be rich.

否定:they will not be rich.

疑问:will they be rich?


肯定:they would be rich.

否定:they would not be rich.

疑问:would they be rich?


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