
发布 2023-04-27 20:24:28 阅读 9580

一、 词汇。

一) 专有名词:zhongshan park underground station,

上海:the oriental pearl tv tower, the bund, shanghai museum, shanghai wild animal zoo , the century park, yu garden

北京:the summer palace, the great wall, beihai park, xiangshan

tiananmen square

其他:the li river,the west lake, san ya , ocean park

the ocean theatre…

其他首字母要大写的单词:学科名词,星期几,地名等,如:english, chinese, maths, music, physical education ( art and craft, science ,monday, hainan island, hong kong, guilin…

(二)可数名词: fan, floor, taxi, tram, subject, lesson, cupboard, flower, bicycle, zoo-keeper, jungle, crocodile, vegetable, uniform, shoe, carrot,sausage等。

三)数量表达:a pair of shoes/ two pairs of shoes

a packet of , a bottle of , a bowl of , a spoon of , a glass of ,

a cup of , a box of ……

四)不可数名词:money, fish(鱼肉), grass, glue , ***** , rubbish ,salt , tape ,tea, …food fruit

不可数名词前可以用some,much 或量词a pair of,a packet of ,a bottle of …)可数名词前可用some,many)

carrot (复数)--carrots cabbage(复数)--

body (复数)--bodies butterfly (复数)--butterflies

五) 数词。

序数词: (100以内表达法)

注意几个特殊的序数词:first , second , third , fifth , ninth ,twelfth , nineteenth , twentieth , twenty- first , forty- fifth ,ninetieth, ninety-ninth

月份:january , february , march , april , may ,

june , july , august , september , october , november,december

日期:2月5日 the fifth of february / february the fifth



七) 冠词。

不定冠词: a, an eg: an art class an english lesson,

an aquarium, an island, an insect, an art and craft class ,

a uniform ,an old uniform


如:the li river,the west lake, the yellow river, the tai lake (太湖)…

当描述的某一样东西第一次出现的时候通常用不定冠词a/an, 当它第二次出现的时候就要用定冠词the。

例:this is a book . the book is my birthday present from my mother


in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening,at night, at noon, at one o’clock , at half past one

5:00 five o’clock

5:30 half past fivefive thirty

5:15 a quarter past five five fifteen

5:45 a quarter to six five forty-five

5:10 ten past five five ten

5:50 ten to sixfive fifty

九)形容词及反义词: big--small, fat--thin , beautiful---ugly,high---low(低的),tall--short

new—old, afraid—br**e, hungry—full, happy— sad,dear(expensive)—cheap

angry, thirsty,sick (ill), tired

十)介词 1、表示时间: at two o’clock ,

on saturday , on sunday morning ,

on the first of october , in june, in spring, in 2008

2、表示地点:at home in the street in the jungle

on the underground , on the train , climb to the top of the cage

3、表示方位:under the chair , at the top of the mountain ,on the shelf , above the mountain

4 表示方式: by bus, on foot, by underground,

peel the bananas with my hands, in english(语言)

十一) 连词

or(用于否定句) they are not eating or drinking.

butthis dress is nice but it’s cheap.

andmy uniform is big and nice.



1、直接加s : plays , gets, comes , reads,likes ……

2、在ch,sh ,o,x 后面加es : watches,goes, does, teaches,


3、去y变i再加es: fly– flies , try– tries, study---studies

4、特殊情况: h**e– has


1、直接加ing : playing, reading , doing ,going ,buying……

2、去e 加ing : write– writing , ride– riding ……

3、双写加ing : get---getting, swim – swimming,run—running , shop– shopping , mop– mopping ,

dig—digging , sit– sitting , skip– skipping ,nod--nodding

二、句型。1 that’s the li river. it’s in guilin.

this place is yu garden. it’s in shanghai.

2 注意点:

can i h**e some sweets?句型中用“some”,不能用“any”

can ban h**e some water?句型中用h**e,不能用has

let’s make a cake .句型中用make,不能用******


this dress is new but it’s small.

these books are thick but they are cheap .

here is a pencil .

here is some food .

here are a pencil and a rubber .

here are some vegetables .


is kitty hungry or thirsty? she is thirsty .

is kitty hungry and thirsty ? no, she isn’t .

2、“wh —”questions:

1)which sign means “don’t eat or drink ”?this one .


西丰墩小学2014 2015学年度五年级语文第一学期末测试。时间70分钟得分。第一部分积累与运用 40分 1 将下面一段话书写在横线格内,注意行款整齐,力求美观。3分。春秋时代,有一个琴师叫俞伯牙,拜成连先生为师。他苦学了三年,创作了一部乐曲,名叫 高山流水 2.根据拼音,填入汉字。5分 l p n...


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1 从3 45到4 00分针旋转了 度,从4 00到 分针旋转了60度。2 一个数既是15的因数,又是15的倍数这个数是 它的全部因数有。335小数 以内全部质数的和是 的分数单位是 有 个这样的分数单位,再添上 个这样的分数单位是最小的质数。6 把8米长的绳子平均分成7段,每段长 米,每段占全长的...