
发布 2023-04-15 06:50:28 阅读 4936

it’s timeto / for / on ) get up.

i often playthe / afootball on mondays.

i can play ping-pongwith / for ) you .

my mother often (watches / watch / watchs) tv on mondays .

in canada thanksgiving day is second monday (at/in/on) october.


he (like) salad , but she doesn’t it (like)

hedo not ) like noodles. they ‘re salty.

my f**ourite foodbe ) dumplings.

thatsound ) good .

what do you h**e on星期五)

i’d like toh**e) a try。 (讲出为什么)

therebe ) some fruit on the table.

does xiao ming (has / h**ean apple.


potato (复数i (复数。

tomat (复数photo (复数。

house (复数buliding (复数。

mountain(复数football (复数。

knife (复数fox (复数。

watch (复数sheep (复数。

shelf (复数chinese(复数。

dish (复数bus (复数。

baby (复数deer (复数。

goose (复数tooth (复数。

foot (复数child (复数。

health (形容词cloud (形容词。

taste (形容词help (形容词。

四、用some 或者 any 填空。

there arebooks on the desk.

can i h**ebread .please?

there isn’twater in the cup.

are thererivers in your village?

would you likebread?

there aren’tsweets?


our math teacher is very kind . 对划线部分提问)

her music teacher is miss lin ( 对划线部分提问)

she would like mooncakes. (对划线部分提问)

i’d like some eggplant. (改为一般疑问句)

i often do my homework on mondays. (对划线部分提问)

green beans are my f**ourite. (对划线部分提问)

there are some buildings in our school. (改为一般疑问句)

he can see a mirror on the wall. (对划线部分提问)

there are some clouds in the sky. (改为否定句)

i can run on the grass. (对划线部分提问)

i like this park . 改为否定句)

amy has a new teacher . 改为一般疑问句)

what do you h**e on thursdays ? 用 “语文和英语” 回答)

what can you do? (用 “我能擦玻璃” 回答)

what can he do? (用 “他能挂衣服”和“他能洗衣服” 回答)

i h**e a new teacher. (变成一般疑问句)

she is young . she is pretty (合并成一句话)

do you like music ?(做肯定回答)

is your father thin ? 做否定回答)

amy likes apples . 改为否定句)

he is very kind (变成否定句)

what do they h**e for dinner ? 用土豆和牛肉回答 )


1、 tell , can , more , me , you ,

2、 can , animals , zoo , the , in , i , draw (.

3、 like , beef , some , i , would , cabbage , and (.

4、 lunch , do , what , on , h**e , for , you , monday (?





如:lunch , do , what , on , h**e , for , you , monday (?

on monday ? 错)

on mondays ? 对) 多了“s”

5、 还有就是一些小问题,比如特殊疑问句子中的我要变成你;


一 英汉互译 1.擅长踢足球2.篮球打得好3.一个大身体4.谈论5.许多图书馆6.一个好主意。7.它们没有手也没有腿。they h eor 8.三楼有一间电脑教室。there is a room on the floor.9.他们的爱好10.许多房子11.小心。12.和我的哥哥一起看电影13.太高1...


1 要使a2 2a 那么a应该 2 公交公司5辆车一星期节约汽油42千克,平均每辆车每天节约千克。3 等边三角形周长9厘米,其中一边高长2厘米,这个三角形的面积是。4 直角边为5厘米的等腰直角三角形的面积是。5 如果2x 4 9,那么4x 2.5的值是。6 算式15.75 0.025计算结果的最高位...

PEP 五年级数学上册针对性易错题

一 填空题。1 a和b都不等于0,如果a 0.8 b 0.5,那么a b。a b c 2 5.678678 的小数部分第28位是。3 李师傅每天做a个零件,每天比张师傅多做6个,那么5a表示5 a 6 表示。4 一个两位小数保留一位小数后是3.0,这个两位小数最大可能是 最小可能是 5 将2.757...