
发布 2023-03-19 00:10:28 阅读 6453


) 1. 我们每天___上学,__放学,我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。

a. am, pm, prc

b. am, pm, uck

c. pm, am, prc

) 2. 选出既能表示水果,又能表示颜色的单词。

a. apple

b. orange

c. peach

) 3.what letter is a question?

a. bb. qc. y

) 4.an english woman will not glad when you ask her about __

a. her name b. her age c. her home

) 5.“love me,love my dog”翻译成中文的意思是:a.爱屋及乌b.爱我就爱我的小狗 c.爱我就更爱我的小狗。

) 6.what always goes up and never goes down? a. timeb. weather c. age

) 7.许多同学都有自己的电子邮箱,如 等。请问其中的@表示什么意思,该怎么读?

a. @的意思是“电脑”,读作“a ”。b.

@的意思是“为”,读音与介词for相同。c. @的意思是“在”,读音与介词 at 相同。

) 8. 原来国家的英文名字如此浪漫,看句子:come here. i need affection. 猜猜是哪个国家。

a. canada

b. china

c. america

) 9. which one is spain?

) 10. what do we h**e on easter day?

abc. ) 11. when is april fool’s day?

a. may 1st

b. march 1st

c. april 1st

) 12. 请根据对话信息,选择恰当的**。



a. ) 13.母亲节要到了,你应该对妈妈说:

a. happy mother’s day!

b. happy teacher’s day!

c. happy birthday!

) rains(下雨) cats and dogs.“cats and dogs”means:



) 15. when is winter vacation?

a. february and march.

b. july and august.

c. january and february.

) 16. what can we do on tree planting day?

abc. ) 17. i love fall, it’s beautiful!这句话中的fall是什么意思?

a. 秋天。

b. 落下。

c. 摔倒。

) 18. which day means the beginning of a year?

a. new year’s day

b. christmas

c. thanksgiving day

) 19. is the new watch __yes, it’s

a. you i

b. your my

c. yours mine

20. what are the pandas doing?

21. 找朋友,读一读,连一连。

onefour threetwo five

thirdfirstsecondfifth fourth

) 22.为对话选择正确的**。

---when is the singing contest?

---it’s on jul.1st.

abc.23. 选择你最喜欢的一个数字及月份组成一个自己满意的句子。

) 24. 一个外国朋友想问你中国的国庆日是哪一天,这个外国朋友可以说:

a. how about china’s national day?

b. when is china’s national day?

25. there are three days of a man in the life. what are they? 人生有三天,他们是什么?

) 26is in spring.

a. may, june and july

b. july, august and september

c. march, april and may

27. 选出**所对应的节日。

a .tree planting day b. children’s day

c. singing contest d. happy new year

28. 选词填空。

national day is __october.

h**e lunch __12:00.

often watch tv __the weekend.

) 29. -when is american thanksgiving day?

--it’s in __

a. october

b. november

c. july

30. 完成下面的**。


新人教版小学五年级下册语文素养精品试题。语文基础 约占40 紧扣课标和教材,考察学生课外阅读成果的占5 一 读拼音,写词语 年级越低,该项考察比重越大。5 10分 j n qi o p xi xu n y z o t ji n yu 田字格。二 用 选择正确的读音。掩护 n y n 宿营 s xi ...


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