
发布 2023-03-09 13:15:28 阅读 6355

unit 1 topic 1

1.欢迎来中国。welcome to china.

2.给你。here you are

3.谢谢你。thank you./thanks.

4.不用谢。you are welcome. /that’s all right.

not at all./ that’s ok

unit 1 topic 2

1、打扰一下excuse me.

2 、be from= come from 来自。

3、在七年级1班 in class one, grade one.

4、用英语in english

5、在同一个班级in the same class

在不同的班级in different classes

6、好朋友good friends

7、非常very much =a lot

unit 1 topic 3

1、岁year(s) old

2、多少岁how old

3、初中junior high school

unit 2 topic 1

1、你是对的you’re right=that’s right

在右边 on the right

2、他最喜爱的演员his f**orite actor

3、她的中文名字her chinese name

4、我明白 i see

unit 2 topic 2

1、看!look!看起来一样 look the same

看起来不同look different

不同的外貌different looks

看着 look at 看起来像look like

照顾 look after 寻找look for

看起来快乐 look happy

2、把某物给某人 give sth to sb =give sb sth

3、我不认识她。 i don’t know her

4、有着黑色的长头发with long black hair.

5、大眼睛 big eyes 小嘴巴 a small mouth

短头发 short hair

6、想要某物want sth

想去做某事want to do sth

想要某人做某事want sb to do sth


the girl in a yellow dress

8、紧挨着next to

9、难道他不酷吗?isn’t he cool?

10、一双手套 a pair of gloves

unit 2 topic 3


help sb with sth. =help sb (to) do sth

2、相互帮助help each other

3、i think…我认为i don’t think…我不认为。

unit 3 topic 1

1、告诉某人某事 tell sb (about) sth

tell sth to sb

2、说英语说地好speak english well

和某人说话speak to sb

3、没问题 no problem

4、非常了解 know a lot about

了解一点点,不太了解know little about

5、许多人 a lot of people

6、居住在live in

和某人居住在一起live with sb

7、在信中 in the letter

8、参观北京 visit beijing

拜访祖父母 visit grandparents

9、许多学生 many students


许多钱much money much+不可数名词。

10、一点点a little

11、根本不 not…at all

unit 3 topic 2

1、到家be home 在家at home

2、把某物展示给某人看show sth to sb =show sb sth

3、在医院in a hospital在沙发上 on the sofa

在饭店 in a restaurant在学校 in a school

在农场 on a farm在办公室 in an office

4、教英语 teach english

5、教我们汉语 teach us chinese

6、开公共汽车 drive a bus

7、我的全家福 a photo of my family

8、喜欢去做某事 like to do sth=like doing sth

9、与可爱的小猫玩耍 play with a cute cat

10它的颜色 its color

11、黑白相间 black and white

12、家谱 family tree

unit 3 topic 3

1、请随便吃 help yourself /help yourselves

请随便吃些苹果 help yourselves to some apples

2、想要某物would like sth

想去做某事would like to do sth

想要某人做某事would like sb to do sth

3、你呢?what about you?

来一些米饭怎么样?what about some rice?=what about h**ing some rice?

4、好主意good idea!

5、吃早饭 h**e breakfast吃午饭 h**e lunch

吃晚饭 h**e dinner

吃牛奶和面包作为早餐h**e milk and bread for breakfast

6、鸡肉炒青菜 chicken with vegetables

7、可以点菜了吗? may i take your order?

8、让我看看 let me see.

9、为什么不呢? why not+动词原形?

why don’t you+动词原形?

10、对某人友好 be kind to sb

11、川菜 shichuan food

12、乐意做某事be glad to do sth

我很乐意住在这儿i’m glad to be here.

13、出去吃eat out

14、好的all right=ok


unit 4 topic 1

1、它太贵了it’s too dear。

2、为…买…buy sb sth=buy sth for sb

3、试穿 try on 试穿它/它们try it/them on

4、穿在某人的身上 on sb

5、多少钱 how much

6、我们买了we’ll take it.

7、我只是看看i’m just looking.


what do you think of…?

how do you like…?

9、你是在开玩笑吗? are you kidding?

10、考虑 think about

11、仍然要谢谢你thank you all the same


i don’t want to buy anything.

13、两公斤大米 two kilos of rice

一袋苹果 a bag of apples

三条面包three lo**es of bread

两块鸡肉two bars of chicke

六瓶水six bottles of water

七听可乐 seven tins of coke

14、购物 do some shopping=go shopping

15、how much+不可数名词

多少大米how much rice

how many+可数名词复数

多少苹果 how many apples

多重how he**y

一袋一公斤 one kilo a bag

16、完了吗? is that all?

17、我认为是这样i think so

18、它在这儿here it is

19、太重了 too he**y

20、让我来帮你吧let me help you

unit 4 topic 2

1、有空 be free

2、什么事?what’s up?

3、去……野餐 go…for a picnic

4、告诉某人关于某事 tell sb about sth

告诉某人某事tell sb sth=tell sth to sb

5、打**给某人call sb at 110

6、唱歌 sing a song / sing songs

7、不得不 h**e to / has to


what about (doing) sth?

how about (doing) sth?

9、放风筝fly a kite

10、我没有时间i h**e no time.=i am not free.

11、取一些水get some water

12、外出go out

13、随身携带 take sth with sb

14、在家 be in=be at home


ask sb(not)to do sth

tell sb(not)to do sth

16、回** call sb back

17、今晚this evening

18、在回家的路上 on the way home

19、在……的开端 at the beginning of

20、最后 in the end

21、做作业 do one’s homework

22、去钓鱼go fishing

unit 4 topic 3

1、去动物园 go to the zoo

2、在9:00 at 9:00 o’clock

3、在我家 at my home

4、在早上 in the morning

在下午 in the afternoon

在晚上 in the evening


unit 5 our school life topic1 how do you go to school?一 重点词语 1.wake up 醒来,唤醒 get up 起床。2.go to school 去上学 go home 回家。3.go dancing shopping skating swi...


作者 佚名资料 原创点击数 17350 更新时间 2009 4 25 23 49 33 unit 5 our school life topic1 how do you go to school?一 重点词语 1.wake up 醒来,唤醒 get up 起床。2.go to school 去上学 ...


七年级上短语词组班别姓名 are you 给你。is 这是 to 欢迎来 do you do?你好。5.how are you?你好吗?from come from 来自 number 号码 old 几岁 english 用英语 same class 同一个班 classes 不同班 friend ...