
发布 2023-03-07 15:22:28 阅读 1980

一。 词汇。

1. how’s the天气)in chongqing?

2. tom is drinking orange j___

3. can i take a m for him?

4. what bad weather! it’s冷)and windy.

5. we’ll h**e a warm冬天)this year.

6. what are you doing? i’m做饭).

7. i am so happy to see them a.__

8. there are many countries in欧洲).

9. it often下雪)in harbin.

10. the students are listening to music. they are really very __放松).

11. oh, it’s too___闷热)today, it’s hard to breathe(呼吸)

it’s really a t___day. i can’t find all my money.

am拜访) some of my old friends.

parents and i are on (a假期) in the mountains.

are playing basketball in the___公园)

二。 根据句子意思及所给单词,写出正确的单词形式。

1. look, theystudy)english under the tree over there.

2. it’s kind of hot because it’ssun).

3. how’s the weather tomorrow? it’swind).

4. what’s the weather like today? it’s __snow).

5. how’s the weather in shanghai? it’srain).

6. there are a lot ofin the sky. it’scloud).

7. everyonebe)h**ing a good time.

8. this country has 5 thousand(千year)of history.

9. it’s a beautiful __sun)day.

10. thank you forjoin)our show.

11. these people are takingphoto)in the park.

12. are they __watch)tv? yes, they are.

13. i’m h**ing a great time (visit ) my aunt in canada.

三。 句型转换:

1. how’s the weather in wuhan?(同义句) the weather in wuhan?

2. it’s snowy today. (划线提问。

3. the students are h**ing an english class. (划线提问)

the student doing?

4. they are cleaning the classroom. (改为一般疑问句)

___they __the classroom.

5. it’s pretty good. (划线提问)

it四。 根据汉语意思完成句子。

1. 听起来你玩的很开心嘛。

you’re h**ing a good time.

2. 你能否叫他给我回个话?

could you just tell him tome

3. 要我给(他)捎个话吗?

can ifor him?

4. 当然啦,不成问题。 sure

5. 我正在加拿大探望我姑姑,过得十分惬意。

i’mvisiting my aunt in canada.

6. 我正坐在泳池边喝着橙汁。

i’m sittingand orange juice.


i’mto see them again.

8. 我跟我们全家在山里度假。

my family and i arein the mountains.


the weather here is and , just right for .

10. i want to get up early but my watch坏了)

11. see you下月见)


he oftenmy cousin in beijing.



child, kitchen, shop, live, visit, home ,warm, snow, play, study

dear zhen fei,how's it going? i'm 1 russian in moscow now. i'm 2 with a russian family.

it's 3 right now and it' s very cold. but in the room it's very 4 . mr ivanova and mrs ivanova aren't at 5 .

mr ivanova is 6 his friend. mrs ivanova is 7 in the supermarket. only their two 8 katerina and andrew are with me.

katerina is in the 9 . she's cooking some russian black bread for us. andrew and i are 10 chess.

we ‘re h**ing a great time.

六。 阅读理解。

we often talk about the weather. if we want to know about the weather. we can turn on the radio(收音机)and listen to the weather report.

we can also turn on the tv and watch the weather show. and we can ask other people in two different ways, “what’s the weather like today?” or “how is the weather today?

” sometimes you can call at 121 for the weather.

when it’s cold, we shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarves. when it’s raining, we need raining-coats or umbrellas(雨伞). when it’s hot, we need a cool place and want a cold drink.

6. you can watch the weather show

a. on radio b. on tv c. at 121d. on other people

7. you can ask other peopleto know about the weather.

a. what’s the weather b. how is the weather like

c. what does the weather like d. how is the weather

8. we want a cold drink when it’s

a. coldb. warmc. hotd. raining

9. telephone 121 is for

a. illb. firec. weather d. food

10. the word “shiver” isin chinese.

a. 颤抖b. 出汗c. 看病d. 避暑。


hey, boys and girls, do you know something about tfboys? well, tfboys means(x)the fighting boys. sometimes we call them tffamily.

many of you may know that there are three boys in this tf family, and they are w ang junkai .wang yuan and yi yanqianxi.


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