
发布 2023-03-04 20:51:28 阅读 9646

unit1 where’s your pen pal from?

句子。pen pal from? he is from china.

does your pen pal from? he comes from are you from?i’m from france.

do you come from? i come from do you live? i live in pingliang.

does he/ she live? he / she lives in language do you speak? i speak chinese.

language does he / she speak? he /she speaks think china is a very interesting country.单词短语。

be from = come from来自live in居住在。

an interesting country一个有趣的国家。


a little有一些,不可数名词little几乎没有a few有一些,可数名词few几乎没有like doing sth. =enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事go to the movies去看电影play sports做运动。

with和…在一起;带有,伴随f**orite = like…best最喜欢的。

write to sb.= write a letter to sb.给某人写信。

get a letter from sb. =receive a letter from sb.从某人处收到来信on weekend在周末。

tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事unit 2 where’s the post office?问路:

there a bank near here?

there a bank in the neighborhood? the bank?

you tell me how i can get to the bank? you show me the way to the bank? can i get to the bank?

指路:go straightgo straight downgo downgo throughgo acrossturn leftturn righton the lefton the righton the left/ right of…

across fromnext tobetween…and…in front ofin the front ofbehindonturn left/ right at the first turning/ crossingnear here=in the neighborhood单词短语句型。

thank you very much谢谢。

you are welcome = that’s all right. =not at all.不客气take a walk = h**e a walk散步。


a small house with an interesting garden带着有趣花园的小房子the beginning of…的开始at the beginning of在…的开始。

h**e fun = h**e a good time = enjoy oneself玩的开心h**e fun doing sth.开心做某事。

a good place to do sth.一个干什么的好地方be busy doing sth.忙于做某事。

be busy with sth.忙于某事(with后跟名词或动名词)be doing现在进行时表示将来next sunday

let sb. do sth. =how about doing sth.

=what about doing sth.让某人做某事let sb. not do sth.


take a taxi = h**e a taxi = by taxi乘出租车h**e a good trip旅行愉快。

arrive in到达大地方arrive at到达小地方get to到达unit 3 why do you like koalas? animals do you like?

i like koalas.

why do you like koalas?because they are see the pandas first.

why do you want to see the pandas?because they are kind of you like dolphins?

no, i don’t.

why don’t you like dolphins?because they are lazy.单词短语句型。

kind of = a little有几分,有一点。


others代词=other +名词的复数,意为其他的人或物the other两者中的另一个,构成短语one…the other…the others剩余的全部。


else其他的,跟在特殊疑问词后,如:what else, who elsefriendly反义词unfriendly

be friendly to sb.对某人友好be friendly with sb.和某人友好相处play with和…一起玩eat grass吃草。

be quiet = keep quiet保持安静。

during the day = in the day在白天期间at night = in the evening在晚上eat le**es吃树叶。

isn’t he cute?否定的疑问句,yes翻译成“不”no翻译成“是的”


unit 4 i want to be an actor一、句子询问职业:

what +助动词do/does +主语+do? =what + be动词+主语?= what is one’s job?

what do you do? =what are you? =what is your job?

what does she want to be?她想成为什么?she wants to be a does she work?

她在**工作?she works in a school.二、单词。


dangerous形容词,危险的danger名词,危险young年轻old年老child children复数。



短语。want sth.想要某物want to do sth.

= would like to do sth.想要做某事want sb to do sth.想要某人做某事。

in hospital住院in the hospital在医院in school上学in the school在学校work with和…一起工作give sb. sth. =give sth.

to sb.把某物给某人get sth. from sb.

从某人处得到某物wear穿的状态put on穿的动作。

help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事help sb.

with sth.在某事上帮助某人in the day = during the day在白天at night = in the evening在晚上kind of = a little有一点,有几分。

talk to sb. =talk with sb.和某人谈话talk about sth谈论有关某事every day每天,时间状语everyday每天,形容词ask questions问问题answer questions回答问题work late工作很晚work hard努力工作;努力学习。

be busy doing sth.忙于做某事be busy with sth .忙于某事。

go out to dinners外出就餐be interested in对…感兴趣work for为…工作as作为work for a news***** as a reportercall sb. at给某人打**。

write stories写故事tell stories讲故事。

need sth.需要某物need to do sth需要去做某事need doing sth.主语为物,某物需要被怎样want ad = wanted招聘广告teach sb.

sth.教某人某事teach sb. to do sth.

教某人做某事one of ..中一个后跟可数名词复数。

an international school for children of 5-12一所面向5-12岁儿童的国际学校。

一年级 上册 一到四单元复习

看图写话复习姓名。一 看图写话把句子补充完整,没学过的字用拼音代替,学过的字要写字。1 第5页图一 姐姐在。2 第5页图二 弟弟在。3 第5页图三 小朋友们在。4 第9页图 小朋友们在。5 第14页图 小朋友们在。6 第19页图一 我和爸爸妈妈。7 第19页图二 小明我们。8 第19页图三 我在。9...


2 年轻人被杰克逊大叔留在庄园里。把字句。3 我给父亲当帮手。扩句。4 考试结束了他首先第一个走出教室。改病句。5 父亲的教导使我一生受益。缩句。六 我会把错乱的句子重新排列。他不但熟读而且常常掩卷背诵。杜甫刻苦攻读,十几年如一日,为他日后的创作打下了良好的基础。有些书,他反复阅读了不知多少遍,已经...


一年级的孩子即将进行第一到三单元的单元测试,孩子们准备好复习资料了吗?由于一年级的孩子还小,还是需要教师整理好知识要点给他们复习。下面是由x整理的,希望对您有帮助。一 易错生字 春 下面是 日 齐 上面长横两边露头。绿 右边 录 下面不是水。花 右下不是匕。岁 上面山最后竖下面露头。亲 注意横长度不...