
发布 2023-02-23 08:31:28 阅读 2652

ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10分)(a)根据句意及汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。

41. there are fifty floors in this tall building. mr.

wang’s office is on the __第四十)floor.

42. yi jianlian is a nice sports明星). many people like him.

43. look! the boy is drawing a big圆) on the book.

44.—how many students does your school h**e?

about two千).

45. look at the日历). what day is today?


46. the girl wants to be a __write) like bingxin.

47.—can you see any __mouse) in the room?—no, there aren’t any.

48. tomorrow is tom’stwelve) birthday. let’s give him some presents.

49.—those __fan) in the bathroom don’t work.

you should call the service center for help.

50.—where __be) meimei born?—in beijing.

. 句型转换。(每空一词)(5分)

are some new words in lesson 4. (改为同义句)

there are some new words inlesson.

52. it was july 7th, 2006. (对画线部分提问)

___was the __

53. the computer is about 35 centimeters wide. (对画线部分提问)

is the computer?

54. what shape is your present? (改为同义句)

of your present?

55. we use the *** to listen to the music. (对画线部分提问)

___do we use the *** __

. 词汇部分。(a)根据句意及汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。

41. there are some new __单词) in this lesson. let’s study them first.

42.—can you __数数) these books for me, kangkang?

of course, miss gao.

43. mr. wang goes to伦敦) by plane once a month.

44.—where其他的) do you want to go?

the great wall.

45. polly can speak english a little. it’s so聪明的).


46. many people lost their lives in traffic accidents __

47. i __my friends will come to the party tomorrow.

48.—can you play basketball?—yes, but __

49. kangkang often goes to beihai park and __there. they are very beautiful.

50. maria __in the gym every friday afternoon. she works hard at it.

. 句型转换。(每空一词)(5分)

51. with the help of john, the kitchen fan works again. (改为同义句)

the kitchen fan works again.

52. he can draw pictures. (对画线部分提问)

can he __

53. li fang could swim when she was six years old. (改为同义句)

li fang could swimsix.

54. could you cook when you were five? (作否定回答)

55. something is wrong with his bike. (改为同义句)

there ishis bike.

. 词汇部分。(10分)


41. did you watch the __有魔力的) trick show on tv last night? it was so interesting.

42. the boy comes from a贫穷的) family.

43. _每人) had a good time at lucy’s birthday party.

44. the food in this restaurant is very美味的). we all like eating here.

45. we all忘记) the time because it was a great party.


46.—who __blow) out the candles last night?—ann did.

47.—it’s a __sun)day today. let’s go for a picnic.—good idea!

48. maria usually does some __wash) after school.

49.—did he hurt __him) in the accident?—no, not at all.

50. the young woman __bring)some toys for the children last monday.

. 句型转换。(每空一词)(5分)

did my homework at home yesterday. (改为否定句)

imy homework at home yesterday.

sang a chinese song at her birthday party. (改为一般疑问句)

___lucy __a chinese song at her birthday party?

had a good time in beihai park last week. (改为同义句)

iin beihai park last week.

school art festival was very nice. (对画线部分提问)

your school art festival?

and lily sang english songs and performed ballet at the party. (对画线部分提问)

lucy and lily __at the party?

. 词汇部分。(10分)


51.—can you c___from one to a hundred in english?

let me h**e a try. one, two, three…

52. li lei made a w___before he blew out the candles on the cake.

53.—jack, which is the last month of the year?

well, it’s d___

54.—what about going for a picnic this afternoon?

i’m a___not. i h**e much homework to do.

55.—the fish is very d___i like it very much.

thank you.


56. i fell down yesterday, but i didn’t hurtme).


少有人来。迹,足迹 脚印。罕,稀少。形容人声喧闹。鼎,古代的一种铜铸的锅,一般是三足两耳。沸,水开。鼎沸,本意是锅里的水烧开了,发出响声。与 高枕无忧 同义,垫高枕头 无忧无虑地睡觉。兴致高,情绪热烈。形容声势盛大的样子。对尊长或宾客严肃有礼貌。也是像这样。现多形容敌人在行动前频繁活动。形容事情错综...


说明 词语前加星号的为重点。七年级上册课文词语解释 小心翼翼 谨慎小心,丝毫不敢疏忽的样子。头晕目眩 头脑晕乱,眼睛昏花。茁壮 形容孩子,年轻人和动植物等健康强壮。最常见的搭配是 茁壮成长 注意 形容小孩子强壮一般用 茁壮 形容成年人身体强壮的话一般用 健壮 辜负 对不起别人的期望,好意或帮助。昂然...


七年级 上 月考词语整理第3 4单元。慈sh n对人关怀,富有同情心。隐m隐蔽,不外露。宽ch ng宽阔,宽大。迸 ji n向四处迸出或喷射。忍俊不禁指忍不住笑。忍俊 含笑 不禁 无法控制自己。偌 大 这么大,如此之大。偌 这么,如此。仙露qi ngji ng神仙饮用的汁液。文中形容花芯中的物质。x...