
发布 2023-02-18 02:06:28 阅读 8016

1. 名字first name=given name

2. 姓氏last name=family name

3. **号码phone number

4.身份证id card

5. 请原谅excuse me

6.电子游戏computer games

7.失物招领lost and found

8.为….而感激thank for

9.大量的a lot of/ lots of/plenty of

10.让我们一起做某事let’s do sth.

让我们做某事let us do sth.

11.给你here you are.

12.负担的起。买的起afford sth. /afford to do sth.

13.看一看h**e a look at / look at

14.廉价**。**on sale

15.因。而抱歉。为….而难过be sorry for

16. 多大年纪,几岁how old

17.去看电影go to a movie

18 几点what time

19. 去上学go to school

20.起床get up

21.去上班go to work

22.到达arrive in/ at; get to; reach

23.**睡觉go to bed

24.做作业do homework

25.淋浴take a shower

26.回家go home /go to one’s home

27.邮局post office

28.为…付钱pay for

29.在…对面across from

30. 紧靠。的旁边next to

31.在。前面in front of(外部) in the front of(内部)

32.在右/左边on the right/left

33.散步take a walk/ go for a walk

34玩的开心h**e fun /h**e a good time

35.有点 ,有几分kind of he is kind of nervous=he is a little / a bit nervous

36.在晚上at night

在傍晚in the evening

37.警察局police station

电视台tv station

38.等候wait for he is waiting for his mother to come

39. 在度假on vacation

去度假take a vacation

40.拍照take a photo=take photos

41.对…感到惊讶be surprised at/to do

42. 寻找look for

43.谈论talk about

44.为了in order to

45.少许a little/ bit

46.不再not…any more=no more/ not any longer=no longer

47……怎么样what/how about sth./ doing sth.

48.做阅读do some reading

49.购物go shopping / do some shopping

50.在过去in the past

51.花…时间做spend some time doing sth

52.该是。的时候了it’s time(for sb.) to do sth

53.夏令营summer camp

54.思考think of

55.长城the great wall

56.天安门广场tian’an men square

57.故宫the palace museum

58.其实 ,事实上in fact

59.赞同 ,持相同意见agree with

60.时尚 /过时in style/out of style

61.不得不做h**e to do

62.运动鞋sports shoes

63.不许说话no speaking

禁止泊车no parking


短语1 nice to meet you 很高兴见到你 2.middle school 中学 no.1 middle school第一中学。me 打扰一下 4.first name given name名字 5.telephone number phone number the number of ...


starter unit 1 unit 3 1.good morning 早上好!2.2.good afternoon 下午好!3.3.good evening 晚上好!4.4.how are you?你好吗?5.5.i m fine ok.我很好。6.6.what s this?这是什么?7.7....


unit 7 1 这条裤子多少钱?两种 2 这些粉色的袜子是玛丽的?3 它们共7.5美元。4 我能帮助你吗?两种 5 我想要一件毛衣6 给你。7 你需要多大尺寸的8 他想要什么颜色9 我买了。10 给某人买某物11 非常感谢12 你想要哪一件?13 就这些了14 我想要一件更大的15 给你钱。16 ...