
发布 2023-02-14 02:06:28 阅读 2752


1、划线发音:1、play h**e ( 2、 word horse ( 3、 hear here (

4、clothes there ( 5、ski school ( 5、left bed (

2、填冠词 1、 university 2、 hour

3、there ia “u” and “n” and “f” in the word.

3、填空: i think itrain) tomorrow.

i think itrain) in july.

i think itrain) now.

itnot rain ) yesterday.


5、where d her parents w ?

6、would you like coffee? a. some c. many

7、what is this in english? bag.. a. this is is c. this ia a is a

8、what are the doing?

a. woman teather teather c. women teathers teathers

9. there are many

a. apple tree tree c. apples trees trees

10. that little girl a red skirt is our teacher’s daughter.

a. with c. on

11. you the magazine just now?

a. do read reading c. did read

12. why he so tired last night? (a. did c. does d is)

13. are you policemen

a. no, i’m not b. no, i don’t c. no, we aren’t

14. these comic books are fora. i c. me)

15. can i h**e writing *****? a. some c. many

16. she f a little shy.

17. where are the twins ? i can’t find t .let’s call t parents

18. 改错:we had lots of funs on our holiday.(

19. she ia going to visit grandparents after school.(划线部分提问)

20. he usually sets the table in the morning.(改为现在进行时)

21. 你请同学把旁边那些黄色的盒子递给你,你如何说:

22. 你如何告诉弟弟,不要在床上躺着看书,你说:

23. 根据句意,用另一种方式表达,意思不变。

we went to the museum by bus yesterday.

24. 注意时态,注意定冠词,注意可数不可数名词。

25. 根据音标写单词: {jwaitsλndi

26. my f**ourite is g . they are tasty.

27. 你叔叔是工程师吗? your uncle

28. 改错:tom looks very younger than may

29. would you like some coffee?

肯定回答: yes, i’d (like to) 或thank you. 否定回答: no,thank

30. 我有比tom多10个苹果:i h**ethan tom.

31. how beautiful the nature park is!(改为同义句)

32. how is everybody doing? 回答。

33. what is everybody doing? 回答。

34. his parents bought lots of books in hongkong no’1书店)

35. please on the right (用划线部分的同音词填空)

36. did you see elegpants在动物园)last weekend? in

37. are there any pands在动物园)? at

38. w sweater is this? -it’s your baby b

39. i can name the seven days english. a. on c. in

40. look! there are two pin the sky.

41. no,they’re new nurses.(写出问句。

42. 早上起来,你觉得头很疼,你连忙告诉妈妈:

43. 当表示请求,建议或希望得到肯定的回答的问句中用some而不是any

44. 当别人向你表示歉意时,你应说。

45. 当别人对你表示感谢时,你应说。

46. what do you see? i a big tree. a. can see see c. see

47. “thank you very much

right. all right c. oh,yes,all right

48. the football ender the table ishe)

49. i’d likeh**e) a party

50. there is (be)pair of (glass) on the sofa now.

51. would you like (play) football with (we)?


单选 1.beijing is than did you come back?we back last i a book yesterday.a.did you go last sunday?i went to the airport.a.liuping bananas?a.6.h e you an...


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